Exploding houses The house explosion in Oxford brought to our attention by Psyopticon is more interesting than I first thought – controlled demolition of a three storey building leaving little rubble, no walls standing. A psy-op of the highest quality, resulting only in the hide and seek death of one person well known to the courts and foro whom participation in this psy-op and relocation is part of his parole procedure. Houses built early 1980s on the site of an old riverside coal yard, now a prime riverside location. http://public.oxford.gov.uk/online-applications/files/EF9C053E23B49092561129A14BB61999/pdf/81_00239_NFH–8120.pdf A plaque embedded in the demolished building states it was opened in May 1985 by a local digniitary https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.748695,-1.2699072,3a,15y,351.4h,81.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skGEBUysrR7M6DTYOCLRwOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 From this https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.748695,-1.2699072,3a,90y,345.03h,94.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skGEBUysrR7M6DTYOCLRwOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.7488128,-1.2702298,3a,75y,81.55h,89.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siqHIBEnQmTTTw8Yla3oIMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 to this… [lots more exciting firefighting photos on the page [118] including some familiar themes… http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/15091709.Human_remains_found_at_Valentine_s_Day_blast_site_in_Gibbs_Crescent__West_Oxford__amid_search_for_Guido_Schuette/#gallery68 http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6002669/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6004364/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6004374/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen There are six flats contained in the vanished block. No other serious injuries or deaths reported. Suspicious. http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/15091709.PICTURES___VIDEO__Neighbours__fear_the_worst__for_missing_residents_after_explosion/?ref=rss “A pregnant woman was taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford with minor injuries, while a man was treated at the scene, also for minor injuries. Alexander Hammond, who was nearby at the time, took dramatic pictures of the aftermath. He said: “I live over the railway bridge and was just talking to a friend when we heard this massive loud bang. “I really thought a bomb had gone off. “We rushed over and you could see the flames over the trees from the footbridge, there were no emergency services when we got there. You could just see rubble and the skeleton of the roof, people were stood about watching what was going on – I didn’t see any people injured.” Who lives next door at #2? http://www.mouseprice.com/house-prices/gibbs+crescent+oxford Another courtroom favorite Habiba Gudal, convicted of drink driving http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/10829185.Scales_of_Justice/ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XSZO8nZ3UMwJ:www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/15107508.Gibbs_Crescent_residents__left_in_limbo__one_week_after_explosion/ same address as Stephen J Brown https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Mnuhdn-eaJcJ:https://www.searchelectoralroll.co.uk/Search_Results_History.asp%3Fc%3D2444771%26firstname%3DSTEPHEN%26middleinitial%3DJ%26lastname%3DBROWN+ http://www.192.com/atoz/people/gudal/habiba/ox2/1615799664/ I wonder where Annie May, whom the alleged dead resident, Guido Schuette, was found guilty in the courts of harrassing, was at the time? She lived at number 7. The following article has been deleted, unarchived, so I’ll copy some germane parts in the current google cache – http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/15107508.Gibbs_Crescent_residents__left_in_limbo__one_week_after_explosion/ “Flats 3 to 9 were destroyed……Flats three to nine were destroyed in West Oxford on Valentine’s Day, with many surrounding properties seriously damaged. Ian Francis, who lives at No.10, has been put up by the landlord, A2Dominion, in sheltered accommodation in George Moore Close in Donnington with his partner Sammy Clark. But Mr Francis, who is partially sighted, has had to leave assistance dog Toffee with friends as the flat is too small for him. The 48-year-old said: “We have just been left in limbo right now, it is like we are walking around in a dream. “I cannot bring Toffee home. You bond with these dogs so closely and he is missing us. “You do not realise how important an assistance dog is day to day, it is hard for me to walk about and do stuff without him. “If it will take weeks and weeks to get back into Gibbs Crescent we just want to let somebody else have our flat.” Mr Francis said he and Ms Clark were struggling living in an area they were not familiar with, and wanted more clarity from A2Dominion on what the future had in store. He said: “Because we are blind even if we do go back we will not be able to use the access gates. “A2Dominion has given us £15 a day and that is meant to cover everything. “It feels like they have given us a couple of quid to shut us up.” Mother-of-two Habiba Gudal, who lives in flat two, has been put up by the housing association in the Premier Inn in Oxford Business Park. She said: “I am being told today about temporary accommodation but I do not know what will happen after that. “I have not been able to get any of my stuff from the flat. “It is really frustrating, I am very angry as well. “The explosion makes me really anxious because I cannot close my eyes. “Every time I do I hear that sound. “It makes me anxious that we have not been told how it happened –if somebody did it why did they do it? “I would like to see everything made clearer.” Human remains were found under the rubble on Saturday but on Monday police said a post-mortem examination of the human remains proved inconclusive. As a result Guido Schuette, who is believed to have been killed in the explosion, officially remains missing” At the end of last week it emerged that police had spent a ‘significant period of time’ at Gibbs Crescent four days before the blast after a man, believed to be Mr Schuette, allegedly made threats. Flat 13 resident Peter Wilder is living in temporary accommodation in Headington. He said: “I have no idea what is going on. “I have got some of my stuff back from the flat. When I went back it did not look like there was anything wrong by they are still assessing it for damage.” …………………………………… Did the police now spend a significant amount of time at the property shortly before the demolition? All very interesting.
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Two guys enter a decommssioned nuclear power plant on Long Island NY – lights are on, humming, no security, they wander around for 3/4 of an hour with cameras. A geiger counter shows no radioactivity. All very curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONEm1ph3MP4 The uploaders certainly do a lot of urban exploration in 28 days later fashion. They’re genuine so it seems https://www.youtube.com/user/TheProperPeople/videos It certainly looks like an abandoned plant – but no residual radioactivity? Less than outside even… A blog appeared two years previously http://www.scoutingny.com/scouting-a-decommissioned-nuclear-power-plant/ which attracted a reunion of “old boys” of the plant in the comments but who otherwise leave no internet trace. One “James Howard” alleges publicly to have been trained there and worked there https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-howard-70a58341 Nuclear Power Operator National Grid November 1981 – August 1990 (8 years 10 months)Shoreham Long Ilsnad Shoreham Nuclear power plant field Operator, Rad waste control room operator for water treatment under construction in 1977 http://static2.politico.com/dims4/default/29af026/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2Fcapny%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fa%20-%20shoreham_0.png A plant in Indiana was another non producer of power but was demolished about four years ago http://nuclearstreet.com/nuclear_power_industry_news/b/nuclear_power_news/archive/2012/10/22/site-of-abandoned-marble-hill-nuclear-plant-up-for-sale-102202 and seems to have been demolished like any normal non-radioactive building. http://nuclearstreet.com/resized-image.ashx/__size/550×0/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-00-00-34/6052.marble_5F00_hill_5F00_demo.jpg
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A few videos on 9/11 which don’t fit into any existing thread, but which are interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3RqOKZtyiY Dutch citizen Max Westerman, now in Brazil was a key perp on 9/11. Additionally he interviewed the parents of Lariby in 2006. http://www.ad.nl/buitenland/we-krijgen-onze-dochter-er-niet-mee-terug~a62c8ca6/ Claude and Bettina Lariby can “not emotionally to share their story again with the press,” according to Westerman. They therefore ask media emphatically to leave them alone. Max has uploaded some of his 9/11 footage plus the above ground zero 2002 interview with retired firefighter Lee Ielpi whose son Jonathan, also a firefighter allegedly died on 9/11 “I would say there was 60, 70 feet of rubble on top of them …my son was whole, which was good” In another video, Ielpi senior comes up with a good line http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/the-rising/videos/rebuilding-ground-zero-lee-ielpi/ “the fire departemetn is a brotherhood, it is a brotherhood….” in addition to a repeat of his statement to Westerman…. “jonathan was found as a whole body, what they considered a whole body” Max reporting on 9/11 2001: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iICBVi0rymg Finally a more obscure video showing how Christmas came twice for the construction industry with the demolition of the old WTC and the building of the new WTC Operating Engineers respond to World Trade Center attacks on 9-11-1-01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7tqBAEWGGQ Edward McCabe of Local 94 was in sub-basement 5 of WTC1 on 9/11 “the [elevator[ door blew off the hinges” if you please! And now he’s still there looking after the new WTC @5,49 Eddie Christian business manager, local 14 “there will never be a project like this again if ithe truth be told it’s the best job we’ve ever had that we all wish we never had” SCott Zelenak chief of Surveyors Local 94 “I have three thousand bosses I have to answer to”
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There is some very elaborate fakery here in HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5AwqNBSu8g It’s just a film set. Note at 0.09 note the Aylan Kurdi quotation. It was reported by Press TV here on July 29 2016 at 0.53 http://newsvideo.su/video/4794470 3. US-led airstrikes have killed at least 15 civilians in the Syrian town of Ghandurah. The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says dozens of people were also injured. One more from the same source – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPcwLctCSGI
Tom Dalpra
Ha! It was nice of him to casually sling a bucket of water over the guys burning legs!
Aylan quote well noted. State of the art fakery 2016. -
There’s some interesting footage from a place in Syria called Qamashli in this video from 13.50 onwards
The explosion is pyrotechnic and the crazy camera panning is hoax standard, as is the racing around with “bodies” in blankets. Not the shiny digger provided by Dutch firm Jan Selten of Uden at 16:50Obviously there’s a big media push Would you believe Save the Children Fund [Brendan Cox a former chief strategist..] when it reports its maternity hospital was hit by a bomb?
July 29 2016
“Save the Children have said the bomb hit the entrance to the hospital”,
Can this be debunked? [ the Pole Stars Conundrum] from about 3.30
BTW I came across this amusing group of “skeptics” by accident – I wonder why they get so hot under the collar about flat earth videos. Why don’t they ignore them and get on with their important lives?
https://plus.google.com/communities/101714868400048853159 -
Little watched WTC Ground Zero video October 2001, uploaded in 2008 by Jan Szumanski
a life of travel…
https://www.facebook.com/jan.szumanski.9 -
First UK astronaut [cosmonaut because she went up with those naughty Russians in the “cold war”] is taken gently over the jumps in a very recent UK psience radio broadcast
From about 16.20 Helen Sharman talks about weightlessness and chundering in ‘space’, the zero G plane aka the ‘vomit comet’….
“with the best training and selection people still vomit in ‘space’, there’s not much we can do about that”It made me think that not much is talked about vomiting in the ISS
Here’s how it’s done – apparently but not while one is wearing a gorilla suit or doing ‘experiments’. [Chris Hadfield , 2013]
Jake Garn seems to be the ‘astronaut’ to hang the vomiting in ‘space’ story on.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_GarnThe ur-puking episode is ascribed to Frank Borman, Apollo 8
“About an hour after starting his sleep shift, Borman requested clearance to take a Seconal sleeping pill. However, the pill had little effect. Borman eventually fell asleep but then awoke feeling ill. He vomited twice and had a bout of diarrhea that left the spacecraft full of small globules of vomit and feces that the crew cleaned up to the best of their ability. Borman initially decided that he did not want everyone to know about his medical problems, but Lovell and Anders wanted to inform Mission Control” …..allegedly.How did they make the film Apollo 13 ‘so realistic’?
July 1995“these actors have surrounded themselves with the real astronauts that went into outer space in order to play these roles authentically” – Jim Grazer, producer [@4.20] LOL!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdgELXIeY3I[zero G sequence @ 5.52]
Forget the moon, let’s press on to Mars…
Meanwhile, back in the USSR [May 1991]
Her parents, Sheffield couple John and Lyndis Sharman, watched the lift-off from an observation deck 800 yards from the launch pad.“However many emotions there are, we have just been through them all,” said Mr Sharman, 51, who is assistant principal at Sheffield’s Stradbroke College.
Before the launch, they and their son, Richard, 15, and other daughter, Andrea, 25, had a few minutes alone with Helen at a building near the launch pad.
Mr Sharman added, “We wished her and her colleagues a happy flight, a successful mission, God speed, and a happy landing.”
http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Helen+blasts+into+the+record+books.-a0163666585What little private life written is here
“She loved Waltzers and white-knuckle fairground rides. And the signs that she wouldn’t suffer space sickness were good”
What ARE they upto “on” the ISS? It’s insane. Oh, they’re doing “science’, which is the whole purpose of this charade. Tim Peake reckons they “try and [sic] find better combustion techniques for ‘back ON EARTH’, again [sic] for cleaner engines, for more efficient er,er, erm, er er, sort of engine systems…” It’s hilarious. [from about 9.10]
Materials – Gorilla Suit, rugby ball, box of matches…
At 16.31 there is only a fraction of a second – an almost instantaneous response – between the UK TV talking head suggesting TP “let go” of the microphone and TP seen to be doing it.
Yet at 17.15 there is a gap of several seconds before he can answer the simple question as he grins inanely waiting for the question to “travel from earth into space”.
A strange episode.-
This discrepancy in latency is another good giveaway of the hoax. If the “ISS” really was only 400km orbital height (maximum altitude) the latency should be less than in a phone call from London to Newcastle; i.e. an imperceptible delay.
These Boston marathon “survivors” are dropping like flies – or being written out of the script.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3481617/Boston-marathon-bombing-survivor-killed-Dubai-Ferrari-crash-alongside-college-roommate-Canadian-boxer-driving-car-recklessly-drove-high-speed.htmlToronto boxer…
A ridiculous story line.
“The US embassy in Abu Dhabi declined to comment.” [on the staged crash]
Hmm, Ontario had a Fukushima style Nuclear Emergency drill in 2014 with exactly the same name as the London 2016 train crash disaster drill Report –
page 7 “On 11 March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, followed by a catastrophic tsunami,
struck the coast of Japan” a 9/11 event!