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  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 3:42 pm on December 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: suicide   

    Texas high school student commits suicide after years of cyberbullying 

    The anti-bullying agenda continues with another fake news story about a suicide from bullying. These news stories are heavily promoted in the news, recently this one happened which looks fake judging by the occult numerology: 11-year-old Ohio girl who survived brain cancer kills herself over relentless bullying. Also fake gay bullying suicides are promoted in the news, this was one of the bigger ones, which started a big campaign by celebrities to bring awareness to gay bullying: Suicide of Tyler Clementi.

    This Texas high school student Brandy Vela who committed suicide because of cyberbullying according to this news story was 18 (multiple of 9). She was found with a gun getting ready to kill herself by her 22 year old sister. The multiples of nines and elevens never end in these masonic coded fake news stories. Also the school where this girl went will be releasing blue ballons to remember her because “Brandy had beautiful blue eyes”.

    Brandy Vela, 18, killed herself Tuesday, and family members say she was a cyberbullying victim.

    A high school senior in Texas committed suicide on Tuesday in front of her relatives, and the family claims that she was a cyberbullying victim.

    Brandy Vela, 18, was a senior at Texas City High School in Houston.

    Brandy’s sister, Jacqueline Vela, 22, says she ran upstairs to find her sister in tears, with her back to the wall and a gun pointed at her chest.

    “And I’m like ‘Brandy please don’t, Brandy no,'” Jacqueline Vela told NBC affiliate KPRC-TV.

    Vela’s family, including her parents and grandparents, were present when she pulled the trigger.

    The relatives believe her death was the result of years of bullying.

    Prior to her death, Vela had spoken out about her torment from being cyberbullied, said Melissa Tortorici, Texas City High School’s director of communication.

    Source: Texas high school student commits suicide after years of cyberbullying, family says | New York Daily News

  • UNreal

    Unreal 10:03 am on August 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , author, conspiracy, conspiracy author, satanic ritual, suicide   

    911 conspiracy author Victor Thorn suicides on his birthday August 1st.
    article: https://americanfreepress.net/prominent-afp-clinton-researcher-found-dead
    Victor Thorn’s suicide happens on the satanic ritual sacrifice day ‘Lammas Day’, also celebrated as the Gaelic ‘Lughnasa’ day (celebration of the harvest season). Thorn ironically co-authored “Occult 9-11” in 2012 which do not help to discard my suspicion to the veracity of his passing.
    “Thorn founded Babel magazine in february 2001, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9-11 conspiracy.”
    Victor Thorn has an impressive list of authored books, and it can be suspected that most of the information and subjects treated are pure intelligence work :
    I’d guess Thorn is still alive and kicking, albeit without his beard, sunglasses and cowboyhat…

    • uninstall.media 9:08 am on August 4, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      hmmm I remember him from the early days. My friend (a veteran of the Vietnam war) was into him, along with Rense, Daryl Bradford Smith etc. And of course I am reminded of Gary Webb – another “suicide” who we are supposed to believe was murdered because of his expose of CIA drug running during the 80s – the story of which was later made into a b-list hollywood film starring Jeremy Renner and Ray Liotta. Also among this group of “old school” researchers is Alex Constantine, who appears to still be alive though under duress. He claims to be suffering CIA harassment with magnets implanted in his brain (Targeted Individual).

    • Typoerror

      Typoerror 7:56 am on August 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      His name rang a bell with me and would have a very much liked to have had the opportunity to have heard your thoughts on a recent radio Ro11o as this character had very much fronted 911 as occult ritual early doors and was au courant, what with HC stuff, as we say in blighty. or had i imagined it all. For what it’s worth a link. Two Colleagues and a Dupe?


    • UNreal

      UNreal 9:18 am on August 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting audio, Typoerror.
      I’d go for 3 paid agents. It also sounds like some of these agents are making an effort on their voice or accent. Just like the artificial look with beard/hat/glasses, the voice also can be unmistakeable in recognizing a person, so it would be important for these actors to somehow mask it.

    • Typoerror

      Typoerror 7:17 am on August 13, 2016 Permalink | Reply

    • 33Callum 5:23 am on May 17, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I must say it was hard to find your website in search results.
      You write great content but you should rank your blog higher in search engines.
      If you don’t know how to do it search on youtube: how to rank a website Marcel’s way

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