Updates from March, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Choking back tears?
Doug Ford is a smart man – was he the brains behind his brother Rob? He’s using every Americanism in the book in this speech, include some folksy story telling. I didn’t see any signs of tears – but he did a good job on the voice quivering. Sadly for him, Doug doesn’t have the charisma his brother had to carry his political career. He’s more like an enforcer, an ex-cop.
At the close of his eulogy at the funeral of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, Rob’s brother Doug fought back tears as he said his personal goodbyes to his brother.
Source: Doug Ford fights back tears as he says goodbye to his brother Rob | Watch News Videos Online
Questioning Ford hoax stagecraft
Another forum with an awakened soul.
The news coverage is making me seriously question if I’m actually just living deep in a coma or life is happening this way.Ctv will have live coverage all over the place, interviewed a woman who came from NS because it was “the right thing to do”, and they spoke of the “so-called” crack video like it wa me some fantasy that I wasn’t present to see with my own eyes lol.I’m so embarrassed for the loss of my city.
Linking blog
Each time a terrorist atrocity happens, the host country enacts draconian legislation that erodes civil liberties and sells it as necessary to ensure security. France is STILL under martial law, Hollande swept through very heavy-duty legislation, and even changed the Constitution. They also agreed to let him continue the martial law indefinitely.
Source: Brussels Attacks – Martial Law Coming Next? | Red Green Alliance
Casket show
Does a grieving family behave this way? More mockery of the believers of this hoax.
TORONTOÂ –Â Some are calling it selfie promotion or campaigning by casket.Others say it just shows the populism of former mayor Rob Ford and the love Ford Nation has for him and his brother Doug.
Source: Selfies at Ford visitation under fire | Warmington | Toronto & GTA | News | Toro
Canadian flat heads
Probably a fake story to continue the narrative.
If no one told you the Earth was round, what shape would you think it is?That’s what two Penticton men plan to ask people across Canada on a trip that hopes to “find truth” about the shape of the Earth.Todd Bessette-Perrin and Tory Bertram first became intrigued by the idea of the planet being flat eight months ago.
Source: Round trip to push flat Earth – Penticton News – Castanet.net
Last light: Sunset at the South PoleÂ
In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox promises warmer days and green plants. But for researchers at NOAA’s South Pole Atmospheric Baseline Observatory, Sunday March 20 marks the start of the austral autumn, the last time they see the sun for six months.
Source: Last light: Sunset at the South Pole | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
fakeologist.org for my backup site. Playing with formats there.