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  • fakeologist

    Fakeologist 2:01 pm on January 29, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

    CIA news network’s new reporter  

    • fakeologist

      Fakeologist 6:42 am on January 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

      Toronto sisters charged in Nigeria sex scam disappear 

      Disappeared into the digital aether – these girls probably only exist in the fake world. This story wasn’t even interesting or believable.

      Toronto’s Matharoo sisters — accused of bilking a Nigerian billionaire — reportedly skipped their court hearing and may have fled to Canada.

      Source: Toronto sisters charged in Nigeria sex scam disappear

      • fakeologist

        Fakeologist 10:35 am on January 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

        A show worthy of a king  

        Monarchies have nothing on this show. 


        • fakeologist

          Fakeologist 6:34 am on January 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

          Could they have found a sadder case? 

          I won’t say this woman isn’t real – but I am suspicious that her story was “planted” or staged.

          The only negative this woman is missing is skin color. She’s disabled, she’s been raped, she’s “single” (divorced/separated is a proper designation), and has many children.

          An Ontario mother struggling to pay her hydro bill took Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to task in an impassioned plea that captured the plight of many Ontarians overwhelmed by high electricity rates.

          Source: Watch this Ontario mother’s powerful plea to Justin Trudeau on soaring hydro bills – Toronto – CBC News

          Now she’s allegedly getting death threats (for lying).

          This seems rather contrived.

          Trudeau’s level of government has nothing to do with Ontario’s electricity fraud. He didn’t even answer the question directly, of course.

          • fakeologist

            Fakeologist 10:58 am on January 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

            Trailer park dreams  

            Don’t laugh – I’ve considered this for myself. Property taxes alone are enough to make one wonder why they’re in a big house. 

            I still think this example is fake due to all the occult numerology. 

            Affordability was what prompted Emily McBroom, 33, and her husband, Jesse McBroom, 32, to buy a trailer house outside Denton, Texas, for their first home.

            “We could get a brand-new trailer home with the newest appliances and pay less than the cheapest rent in the area,” Emily McBroom said. Their two-bedroom, 600-square-foot trailer cost $29,000.The couple have their trailer on more than 7 acres of wooded land


            • fakeologist

              Fakeologist 6:14 am on January 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

              DON’T FALL FOR IT! – Trump Calling CNN Fake News is Scripted BULLSHIT 

              Is T-Rump co-opting fakeology?



              • questioningourreality

                Questioning Our Reality 1:59 pm on January 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

                Grilled Cheese Sandwich Dispute 

                A 55 year old man fires multiple shots through the floor from the basement of his house at his wife because she took a bite out of his grilled cheese sandwich. He surrendered to cops after a standoff at 9 p.m. Besides the occult numerology, this story is so ridiculous. To think someone would fire a gun through the floors of their own house multiple times because someone took a bite out of their sandwich, come on, give me a break.


                A stolen bite out of his grilled cheese sandwich led a Maryland man to fire a shot inside his house and barricade himself for hours.

                Baltimore County police spokesman Shawn Vinson says the dispute began about 5 p.m. Sunday at a Dundalk home. The man’s wife told police she had been making dinner in the kitchen when her husband fired a shot up through the floor from the basement, reports the Baltimore Sun. She told police her husband was angry at her because she had taken a bite from his grilled cheese sandwich.

                Source: Cops: Grilled cheese sandwich dispute led to hours-long standoff in Md. | CBS News

                • questioningourreality

                  Questioning Our Reality 12:42 pm on January 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

                  I’m Stuck In The Vent 

                  A guy hanging out on the roof of an apartment building decides to ride the duct work back to his apartment and gets stuck in a woman’s kitchen vent. This is laughable. I’m not falling for this fake imaginative story. Occult numerology: the woman is aged 33, the man was trapped for 45 minutes and the apartment building address is 220 E. 26 St.

                  Exterior of the building where a man became stuck in a residential kitchen vent.

                  He was plastered and she was floored.

                  A new resident of a Kips Bay building took an unusual route to his apartment early Tuesday — and wound up trapped in a woman’s wall.

                  Gjyste (Julie) Margilaj, 33, said she heard a massive crash in her kitchen and panicked but then decided to investigate.

                  “I freaked … out for a couple of minutes, and then I went over to the kitchen and I heard someone panting and breathing like they were in obvious pain. They were freaking out,” she said. “I opened the kitchen vent so he could breathe.”

                  Cops and firefighters found the unidentified 30-year-old man stuck inside the wall of the first-floor apartment on E. 26th St. in Manhattan just after midnight. Authorities said they had to bust the wall open to get him out and the man luckily survived his ordeal uninjured.

                  Source: Man found stuck in kitchen vent in Manhattan apartment | New York Daily News

                  • questioningourreality

                    Questioning Our Reality 3:18 pm on January 9, 2017 Permalink | Reply  

                    After 11 Presidents, Inaugural Announcer Out For Trump 

                    The inaugural announcer for 11 US Presidents is retired. A convenient masonic number to retire this announcer.


                    When President-elect Donald Trump officially takes over the White House in two weeks, his inaugural parade will be missing the legendary voice of 89-year-old Charlie Brotman, the announcer of every inauguration celebration since Dwight Eisenhower in 1957.

                    Source: Inaugural parade announcer for 11 presidents “heartbroken” he wasn’t invited back for Trump | CBS News

                    • UNreal

                      Unreal 6:49 am on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply
                      Tags: Bin Laden, Terrorism,   

                      Bin Laden – Like Father, Like Son

                      • After using Bin Laden to scare us for many years, he was eventually “found” and killed in a final media-created event with much conspiracy candy – from Obama watching the scenes live to the surprising sea burial.
                      • It seemed they had taken the ‘scary monster in a cave’ allegory to the max in the media and that the ‘The Mandarin’ character played by Ben Kingsley in ‘Iron Man 3’ sealed the deal, even to a wider audience.
                      • Well, the PsyOps scriptwriters prove us wrong as they much like in Star Wars have created a new spin-off — Bin Ladens evil son.
                      • http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamza-bin-laden-osama-bin-laden-son-hit-us-sanctions/
                      • fakeologist

                        fakeologist 10:24 am on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                        Peekay was in this.

                        I still think Osama is just an actor and never existed as a real “son”.


                      • UNreal 12:57 pm on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                        My thoughts as well. A fictional entity’s unborn son… and his story still will be remembered and fear propagated… i don’t follow Peekay but his video is good on the topic.
                        As i didn’t see the story posted i thought useful to mention it – relates both to 9/11 and fakery scripting.
                        Unbelievable how the elite always need to take their tricks this far – to the unbelievable level. At the same time – this might be an important ingredient for this type of magic to work and effect us on deeper levels. It is in this sense reminiscent of EGI – how it works and why they go to such lengths.

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