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  • Unreal 8:57 am on August 14, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Genoa Bridge Collapse, Morandi Bridge Collapse   

    Morandi Bridge Collapse

    A bridge in Genoa, Italy has collapsed today, August 14th (11:30 am) – 11 dead so far

    There are many numbers that hint at some type of Elite control as videos look sketchy and clock’s in at magic numbers like 00:19 & 01:33

    Morandi – an Mor di ( phonetic anagram of ‘And More Die’ )

    The Latest: Reports say 11 killed in Genoa bridge collapse

    19 seconds Twitter video

    1:33 second Twitter video

  • Unreal 5:41 am on August 2, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Animal Species Hoax, ASH, Fake Animals, Zebra   

    Painted Zoo Zebra

    A possible Zebra scam has come to MainStream News (MSN) attention this summer as Egyptian student Mahmoud Sarhan posted footage of a Zebra from Cairo’s International Garden municipal park where paint seems to dissolve on the Zebra’s face as it rubs against the rail.
    A zoo is accused of painting a donkey and passing it off as a zebra (article)
    Cairo zoo denies painting a donkey and passing it off as a zebra (article)

    Mahmoud Sarhan at Cairo’s International Garden municipal wearing a possibly dupers-delight-inducing Zebra Tshirt
    Animal Species Hoax (ASH) Forum
    Animal Species Hoax (ASH) Zebra Post

  • Unreal 6:17 am on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    The two Bobby's 

    The Fakeologist 55 show might just have new competition as ‘The 138 Show’ makes an effort to do just as good – but in just 33 minutes. Some of the discussion is pretty heavy on swearwords and the audio not top-quality yet*.
    The two Bobby’s were inspired by distopian 1971 film THX 1138 by George Lucas for the title of their show and both hosts are self-proclaimed alternative research veterans with 20 years and 15 years of conspiracy theory behind them respectively.
    The topics covered are : Deception, Flat Earth (critics), Cyberpunk movement, Evil corporations, the Constitition, Gun legislation, Psychopaths, MGTOW
    The 138 Show w/ Bobby & Bobby – T138S, Episode 7
    Convex Earth doc Recall & CIA – Apr 2 2018 – 35:02 (mm:ss)

    iTunes Podcast
    Achor FM – The 138Β Show (audio version)
    Minds – The 138 ShowΒ (audio version)
    *the audio quality of the 138 show is announced to get better soon

    • misom 6:59 am on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      That’s Chris Kendall. Interesting…

      • misom 8:19 am on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

        Listening now to older shows now. Did not know that Chris supports flat earth…

      • Unreal 10:19 am on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

        Listening back to the show – indeed – the less expressive Bobby do sound a lot like Kendall. Why would Chris Kendall risk his integrity as a researcher, appear under an unknown alias, not advertise his new show on his own channels and actually straight out lie about who he is ?

        It also sounds like Bobby who might be Chris actually makes conscious efforts to come across as different from the Chris Kendall we know from Hoaxbuster Call. Even the laughter now strike me as tweaked.

        If Chris acts as the ‘quiet’ Bobby, who might impersonate the ‘loud’ Bobby ?
        *it does sound like the loud, more vulgar Bobby is very familiar with Bobby who sound like Kendall

    • misom 12:08 pm on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      The person I listened to who is talking with the initiator of that show sound exactly like the person I hear when I listen to HBC and allegedly someone named Chris Kendall is talking. They sound the same, they laugh the same, the use the same pronounciation, intonation, interruptions, rythm, etc. etc. The only difference I find is that this Bobby Chris is not so depressive as the other Chris.

      The first show of the series was uploaded on yt on 2. April 2018.

      The second Bobby I do not recognize.

      I like them, hope they get some better mics, but actually i think it is their intention to sound “organic”, “nonprof”, “simple people”, not sure…

      • Unreal 12:23 pm on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

        Agree – ‘yeah-yeah’ Bobby does sound like Kendall when listening to more episodes.

        If Kendall merely plays his role as “Bobby”, then it is likely the other Bobby is equally just playing a role.

        Maybe native english-speaking members could listen to the show and be able to better discern who Chris Kendall’s co-host really is – it would appear plausible it is a researcher or caller-inner we might know* from Hoaxbusters as both Bobby’s appear to be comfortable on air together and very much in tune.

        *the more vulgar Bobby might be better at doing impersonations as his identity is more difficult to discern while Chris Kendall comes about as a poor voice actor compared to his collegue..

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          Terran Downvale 1:54 pm on June 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

          Wow, these two Bobbys are quite extreme in their views. They not only embrace flat Earth but also the “matrix simulated reality” theory. And they take it even further to suggest that our own individual lives are scripted. From the description of Episode 9 “The Great SCRIPTure”:

          When we say “EVERYTHING IS A LIE” we do mean EVERYTHING THE SYSTEM HAS TOLD YOU……. When we say “EVERYTHING” even YOU and YOUR…YOUR life is a PREORDAINED PRE-WRITTEN Holy SCRIPTure created and crafted by THE GREAT WHOEVER! know that we mean even this moment and your thoughts you are having right now, was and IS meant to happen….EXACTLY as is……we are LIVING a lead character in a MOVIE, STORY, BOOK, VIDEO GAME, MATRIX……this is more than ‘FATE” this the GREAT SCRIPT !

          The more talkative Bobby does seem very angry, constantly carrying on with Sam Kinison-esque screaming rants. Quite a negative vibe these two are creating (but with much laughter, which makes it confusing). There is even talk of dual suicides, lol. Whether they’re serious or just putting on an act, they are clearly portraying this realm as a horrible, desperate place where we are all hopelessly imprisoned.

  • Unreal 2:02 pm on February 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Geology, Zealandia   

    11 geologists find ‘Zealandia’ – a brand new continent.
    Once part of the long lost ancient supercontinent called Gondwana, ‘Zealandia’ is a 4.9 million square kilometre slab of continental crust situated Southwest of the Pacific Ocean. The study from the 11 researchers is use data and findings from satellite-based elevations and gravity maps..
    β€’ http://www.techtimes.com/articles/197778/20170216/earths-hidden-continent-zealandia-discovered-reveal-scientists.htm
    β€’ http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/27/3/article/GSATG321A.1.htm

  • Unreal 6:49 am on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Bin Laden, Terrorism,   

    Bin Laden – Like Father, Like Son

    • After using Bin Laden to scare us for many years, he was eventually “found” and killed in a final media-created event with much conspiracy candy – from Obama watching the scenes live to the surprising sea burial.
    • It seemed they had taken the ‘scary monster in a cave’ allegory to the max in the media and that the ‘The Mandarin’ character played by Ben Kingsley in ‘Iron Man 3’ sealed the deal, even to a wider audience.
    • Well, the PsyOps scriptwriters prove us wrong as they much like in Star Wars have created a new spin-off β€” Bin Ladens evil son.
    • http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamza-bin-laden-osama-bin-laden-son-hit-us-sanctions/
    • Fakeologist 10:24 am on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Peekay was in this.

      I still think Osama is just an actor and never existed as a real “son”.


    • UNreal 12:57 pm on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      My thoughts as well. A fictional entity’s unborn son… and his story still will be remembered and fear propagated… i don’t follow Peekay but his video is good on the topic.
      As i didn’t see the story posted i thought useful to mention it – relates both to 9/11 and fakery scripting.
      Unbelievable how the elite always need to take their tricks this far – to the unbelievable level. At the same time – this might be an important ingredient for this type of magic to work and effect us on deeper levels. It is in this sense reminiscent of EGI – how it works and why they go to such lengths.

  • Unreal 12:35 pm on October 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Astronomy, Hubble, Hubble Space Telescope, NASA, Space, Universe   

    The Universe : Even bigger than before thought 

    According to astrophysicist Christopher J. Conselice (Nottingham University England) there are now two trillion galaxies. This is about 10 times as many galaxies as previously thought.
    In the study astronomers formed three-dimensional models to measure the number of galaxies at different times from sky surveys by the Hubble Space Telescope and other instruments able to see far away, and about 13 billion years back. As not even the Hubble can see the oldest, faintest galaxies, the team also did some mathematical work to find two trillion galaxies.

  • β€”
    NY Times article:

  • Unreal 12:15 pm on October 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Archeology, Autism, , Fukushima, ,   

    Afternoon Commute 29th Sept
    John Adams and Chris Kendall invite me/Unreal for an Afternoon Commute where we discuss the Japanese Paleolithic Hoax, Archeological forgery, Autism and more.
    Episode Post:
    Audio Download link:


  • Unreal 10:03 am on August 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , author, conspiracy, conspiracy author, satanic ritual,   

    911 conspiracy author Victor Thorn suicides on his birthday August 1st.
    article: https://americanfreepress.net/prominent-afp-clinton-researcher-found-dead
    Victor Thorn’s suicide happens on the satanic ritual sacrifice day ‘Lammas Day’, also celebrated as the Gaelic ‘Lughnasa’ day (celebration of the harvest season). Thorn ironically co-authored “Occult 9-11” in 2012 which do not help to discard my suspicion to the veracity of his passing.
    “Thorn founded Babel magazine in february 2001, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9-11 conspiracy.”
    Victor Thorn has an impressive list of authored books, and it can be suspected that most of the information and subjects treated are pure intelligence work :
    I’d guess Thorn is still alive and kicking, albeit without his beard, sunglasses and cowboyhat…

    • uninstall.media 9:08 am on August 4, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      hmmm I remember him from the early days. My friend (a veteran of the Vietnam war) was into him, along with Rense, Daryl Bradford Smith etc. And of course I am reminded of Gary Webb – another “suicide” who we are supposed to believe was murdered because of his expose of CIA drug running during the 80s – the story of which was later made into a b-list hollywood film starring Jeremy Renner and Ray Liotta. Also among this group of “old school” researchers is Alex Constantine, who appears to still be alive though under duress. He claims to be suffering CIA harassment with magnets implanted in his brain (Targeted Individual).

    • Typoerror 7:56 am on August 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      His name rang a bell with me and would have a very much liked to have had the opportunity to have heard your thoughts on a recent radio Ro11o as this character had very much fronted 911 as occult ritual early doors and was au courant, what with HC stuff, as we say in blighty. or had i imagined it all. For what it’s worth a link. Two Colleagues and a Dupe?


    • Unreal 9:18 am on August 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting audio, Typoerror.
      I’d go for 3 paid agents. It also sounds like some of these agents are making an effort on their voice or accent. Just like the artificial look with beard/hat/glasses, the voice also can be unmistakeable in recognizing a person, so it would be important for these actors to somehow mask it.

    • Typoerror 7:17 am on August 13, 2016 Permalink | Reply

    • 33Callum 5:23 am on May 17, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I must say it was hard to find your website in search results.
      You write great content but you should rank your blog higher in search engines.
      If you don’t know how to do it search on youtube: how to rank a website Marcel’s way

  • Unreal 9:37 am on July 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: beheading, France, IS, ,   

    after the 84 dead in Nice, an 84 year old priest had his throat slit in the Saint-Γ‰tienne-du-Rouvray church. Two(2) nuns and two(2) churchgoers were taken hostage during the attack. The two(2) perpetrators were captured and shot dead.

    84 year old Priest St.Etienne

    84 year old Priest St.Etienne

    • Fakeologist 10:39 am on July 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      His head does not look like it fits (too small).

    • Unreal 11:32 am on July 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Agree, and additionally his age doesn’t fit either as he should have retired @75.
      some additional number play has it the attack happened between 9am and 11am,,,
      Mail Online Article
      a better resolution pic of priest Jacques Hamel:

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      el sushi de la mancha 12:44 am on July 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Here is a supposedly ” old ” video of the said priest, taken in 2009. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXX23DgZgO8 The thing is that it could be much more recent than this and that’s pretty much the only video of that priest which we may be able to find on the web. And the way this ” dude ” speaks sounds very fishy to me, especially towards the end of the video and he recalls God and his ” son ” Jesus and the whole evangelic words associated with. It’s not much about what he says but more about the very theatrical way he says it, in front of the cameras. Looks like the guy has some sort of acting / theater skills for sure. Dude must be in Peru with the other Charlie HebdHOAX culprits…

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      el sushi de la mancha 12:45 am on July 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      UNreal, you do live in Paris, right? would be great to have a Skype session together some day πŸ™‚

      • Unreal 4:04 pm on July 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Hi el sushi de la mancha
        I’m still in Paris as of now, soon vacations though as august is a month nearly nothing gets done here in France (except from tourism of course). You can of course contact me on Skype or we could chat on Teamspeak ?

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      el sushi de la mancha 12:50 am on July 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

  • Unreal 4:32 am on July 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , WTC   

    The propaganda must go on,,, The “Koenig Sphere” (25ft and 25tons) stood between the WTC towers and is now an artifact that serve to reinforce 911 trauma. As a psyop is never left to rest, this type of operation is a savvy mix of artificial polemic (not allowed in the 911 memorial), sanctified art and physical “evidence” of what never really happened (the deaths in the towers and plaza). Not surprising, still very insidious.


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