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  • Fakeologist 4:20 pm on July 31, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    Islam says contagion is a myth 


  • Fakeologist 2:23 pm on July 26, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    The official nuclear lies told well by Hügo Krüger 

    A beginner’s guide to nuclear power, with Hügo Krüger 🗓️ 2023-07-19 • 🕑 57:10 • 📁 1.8 GB Podcast: Jerm Warfare on Odysee Author: Jerm Warfare Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/jerm-warfare-on-odysee/episode/160899642 Episode: https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/Hugo-Kruger/b1b88624b12e66ac19319e22371b01574708de77/67519c.mp4 Nuclear power has been a significant source of electricity since the mid-20th century, originating with the advent of the Atomic Age, marked by the 1945 detonation of nuclear bombs during WWII.Full description:

  • Fakeologist 6:05 pm on July 25, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    EyesIsWatchin Podcast #106 – Underground Climate Change, Lab Grown Blood, Neurostrike Weapons 

    EyesIsWatchin Podcast #106 – Underground Climate Change, Lab Grown Blood, Neurostrike Weapons 🗓️ 2023-07-22 • 🕑 01:19:57 • 📁 2.1 GB Podcast: EyesIsWatchin on Odysee Author: EyesIsWatchin Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/eyesiswatchin-on-odysee/episode/161066536 Episode: https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/EyesIsWatchin-Podcast–106/2c660a4f81d3da209e31df314d80af5dc551751a/0b5d6d.mp4 Will They Admit What They’ve Done? Donations are greatly appreciated!”Eyes Wide Open” Coffee Blend: https://www.fireweedcoffee.com/product/eyesiswatchin/Paypal: [email protected] GoGetFunding: https://gogetfunding.com/eyesiswatchin-podcast/ GiveSendGo: https://givesendgo.com/G2HMB?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=G2HMB Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EyesIsWatchin SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/eyesiswatchin E-Transfer E-mail: [email protected] Crypto!Bitcoin address on Binance: 1Ld6nSfByVCfqmpWuTnAaG6Gjg3NTFRRqgEthereum wallet on Binance: 0x5123e3dd6a5663f784c55d579e2c345c6a1a32f4Bitcoin wallet on Coinbase: 3GRkW6Gr1E78W1rjexVRAQeuVw9zJdURsoDonate Monero on BINANCE: 85rWG3wsxc5LtwUeTNQZokCUznk9SxzvfZpEHJ5Z6e8cP8mLnNKhmHMLKNsMhBhvG7RuKbcUn1EmaatMkQ6AkVJrAztfkrCDonate Monero GUI: 48QUvPUfguq2nz92rh4SrzgGdyzPgsqdkEYqYAiSYz4LdSnmXfRG3dT1XicKvgwGaS45oKPzAnj3BQhW8byamJqfBQvrciT

  • Fakeologist 4:56 pm on July 25, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    This Is Why We Need to Talk About CBDCs 

  • Fakeologist 2:57 pm on July 25, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    Verified user internet ID, bill s 1409 global digital ID, covered broadband internet access server 

    Verified user internet ID, bill s 1409 global digital ID, covered broadband internet access server 🗓️ 2023-07-24 • 🕑 04:22 • 📁 168 MB Podcast: Mike Martins on Odysee Author: Mike Martins Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/mike-martins-on-odysee/episode/161159995 Episode: https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/verified-user-internet-id,-bill-s-1409/1f93bbda81972c1b57d28867b560c0fb8e59fbb5/2affbb.mp4 Verified user internet ID, bill s 1409 global digital ID, covered broadband internet access serverSECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “Kids Online Safety Act”.(1) CHILD.—The term “child” means an individual who is under the age of 13.(2) COMPULSIVE USAGE.—The term “compulsive usage” means any response stimulated by external factors that causes an individual to engage in repetitive behavior reasonably likely to cause psychological distress, loss of control, anxiety, depression, or harmful stress responses.(3) COVERED PLATFORM.—(A) IN GENERAL.—The term “covered platform” means a social media service, social network, online video game (including educational games), messaging application, video streaming service, or an online platform that connects to the internet and that is used, or is reasonably likely to be used, by a minor.(B) EXCEPTIONS.—The term “covered platform” does not include—(i) an entity acting in its capacity as a provider of—(I) a common carrier service subject to the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto;(II) a broadband internet access service (as such term is defined for purposes of section 8.1(b) of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation);(III) an email service; or(IV) a wireless messaging service provided through the short messaging service or multimedia messaging service protocols;(ii) an organization not organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members;(iii) any public or private preschool, elementary, or secondary school, or any institution of vocational, professional, or higher education; or(iv) a product or service that primarily functions as business-to-business software.(4) MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER.—The term “mental health disorder” has the meaning given the term “mental disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, 5th Edition (or the most current successor edition).(5) MINOR.—The term “minor” means an individual who is under the age of 17.(6) ONLINE PLATFORM.—The term “online platform” means any public-facing website, online service, online application, or mobile application that predominantly provides a community forum for user generated content, including sharing videos, images, games, audio files, or other content.(7) PARENT.—The term “parent” includes a legal guardian or an individual with legal custody over a minor.(8) PERSONAL DATA.—The term “personal data” means information that identifies or is linked or reasonably linkable to a particular minor, including a consumer device identifier associated with a minor.(9) PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM.—The term “personalized recommendation system” means a fully or partially automated system used to suggest, promote, or rank information based on the personal data of users.(10) SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE.—The term “sexual exploitation and abuse” means any of the following:(A) Coercion and enticement, as described in section 2422 of title 18, United States Code.(B) Child sexual abuse material, as described in sections 2251, 2252, 2252A, and 2260 of title 18, United States Code.(C) Trafficking for the production of images, as described in section 2251A of title 18, United States Code.(D) Sex trafficking of children, as described in section 1591 of title 18, United States Code.(11) TARGETED ADVERTISING.—(A) IN GENERAL.—The term “targeted advertising” means displaying an advertisement to an individual where the advertisement is selected based on personal data about the individual to predict the individual’s preferences and interests.(B) EXCLUSIONS.—Such term does not include—(i) advertising or marketing directed to an individual in response to the individual’s request for information or express selection of a product or service;(ii) contextual advertising where an advertisement is displayed to an individual based on the content in which the advertisement appears and does not vary based on who the individual is; or(iii) processing personal data solely to measure or report advertising performance, reach, or frequency.SEC. 3. DUTY OF CARE. (a) Prevention Of Harm To Minors.—A covered platform shall act in the best interests of a user that the platform knows or reasonably should know is a minor by taking reasonable measures in its design and operation of products and services to prevent and mitigate the following:(1) Consistent with evidence-informed medical information, the following mental health disorders: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and suicidal behaviors.(2) Patterns of use that indicate or encourage addiction-like behaviors.(3) Physical violence, online bullying, and harassment of the minor.(4) Sexual exploitation and abuse.(5) Promotion and marketing of narcotic drugs (as defined in section 102 of … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWiCdFNX5-E

  • Fakeologist 5:44 am on July 13, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself 

    Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself 🗓️ 2023-07-11 • 🕑 47:45 • 📁 46 MB Podcast: The Opperman Report’ Author: The Opperman Report Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/the-opperman-report-/episode/160523045 Episode: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/api.spreaker.com/download/episode/56064275/af_prof_richard_d_wolff.mp3 Jun 12, 2021 at 10:13 AM Unlocked The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itselfhe coronavirus pandemic, the deepening economic crash, dangerously divisive political responses, and exploding social tensions have thrown an already declining American capitalist system into a tailspin. The consequences of these mounting and intertwined crises will shape our future. In this unique collection of over 50 essays, “The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself,” Richard D. Wolff argues clearly that “returning to normal” no longer responds adequately to the accumulated problems of US capitalism. What is necessary, instead, is transition toward a new economic system that works for all of us. “A blueprint for how we got here, and a plan for how we will rescue ourselves” – Chris Hedges “A magnificent source of hope and insight.” – Yanis Varoufakis “In this compelling set of essays, and with his signature clarity, intensity, accessibility and deference to historical and present perspective, Wolff has issued not just a stark warning, but concrete reasoning, as to why this time really should be different.” – Nomi Prins “One of the most powerful and incisive voices in America. As an economist he transcends that “dismal science”, he is a tribune of Main St, a voice of the people.” – George Galloway “Wolff clearly explains the ways that capitalism exacerbates unemployment, inequality, racism, and patriarchy; and threatens the health and safety of workers and communities – i.e., most of us.” – Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Ph.D. “If you care about deeper measures of social health as Americans suffer the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, you will find here a wealth of insight, statistics, and other ammunition that we all need in the fight for a more just society.” – Adam Hochschild “The current failed system has a noose around all of our necks. Richard Wolff offers an economic vision that gets our society off the gallows.” – Jimmy DoreThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/1198501/advertisement

  • Fakeologist 7:08 pm on July 12, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    Is Rev Al Sharpton CIA as Well as FBI? 

    Is Rev Al Sharpton CIA as Well as FBI? 🗓️ 2023-07-11 • 🕑 46:30 • 📁 45 MB Podcast: The Opperman Report’ Author: The Opperman Report Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/the-opperman-report-/episode/160529521 Episode: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/api.spreaker.com/download/episode/56065348/af_al_sharpton_cia_1.mp3 Is Rev Al Sharpton CIA as Well as FBI? Casey Gane McCalla , Author of Inside the CIA’s Secret War in Jamaica, joins us to share his research into Al Sharptons shady international activitiesThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/1198501/advertisement

  • Fakeologist 3:42 pm on July 12, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    Ultrasound Whistleblower Dr Lebuskind Reveals Shocking Footage Of Aberrant Cells Post Ultrasound 

    Ultrasound Whistleblower Dr Lebuskind Reveals Shocking Footage Of Aberrant Cells Post Ultrasound 🗓️ 2023-07-12 • 🕑 07:14 • 📁 67 MB Podcast: Tim Truth on Odysee Author: Tim Truth Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/tim-truth-on-odysee/episode/160560412 Episode: https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/ultrasound-whistleblower/a1329ece13830f07b9b9c5d6bc72274fde319ac9/1dac01.mp4 Dr Doreen Lebuskind’s concerning findings show a definite need to dig deeper into the harms of ultrasound. Stay tuned for more reports here: https://timtruth.substack.com/subscribeWant more videos? Join https://GroupDiscover.com to find the best videos from across the free speech internet platforms like Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute & More all in one huge video repository. Add me on these great platforms: https://rokfin.com/timtruth https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/ https://rumble.com/timtruth https://bitchute.com/timtruth/ https://GroupDiscover.comSupport links (thank you to all the supporters!): Easy to do one time tips via https://rokfin.com/timtruth or https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b https://timtruth.substack.com/subscribe https://subscribestar.com/timtruth

  • Fakeologist 8:29 am on July 10, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    The HOAXBUSTERS, SATURDAY, July 8, 2023 

    The HOAXBUSTERS, SATURDAY, July 8, 2023 🗓️ 2023-07-09 • 🕑 02:03:16 • 📁 0.93 GB Podcast: @RizoliTV on Odysee Author: @RizoliTV Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/rizolitv-on-odysee/episode/160438689 Episode: https://player.odycdn.com/api/v3/streams/free/The-HOAXBUSTERS,-SATURDAY,-July-8,-2023/cc417d3c6bea37e4b525e69b34e87efabd4213a9/259cca.mp4 Dianna Ploss with Jim (HoloHoax Exposer) Rizoli, Joe (Minister of Hate) Rizoli, Diane King (Third Reich Advocate)moneytreepublishing.com inblackandwhite.net ****************** Audio: ****************** Saturday: https://speakfreeradio.com/category/podcasts/hoaxbusters/ ****************** Recommended Channels BITCHUTE – Jim Rizoli – https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/ GOYIM TV – HOLOTRUTHER – https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/2244538652/Holotruther/videos WORLDTRUTH – JimRizoli -https://worldtruthvideos.website/@JimRizoli BRIGHTEON – RizoliTV – https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jimrizoli UGETUBE: https://ugetube.com/@nosixmillion ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@RizoliTV:d ****************** Recommended Videos/Links **** E. Michael Jones devastates the Holocaust https://ugetube.com/watch/confronting-the-truth-about-wwii_zA1msqnJ2D3VxAB.html https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/ **** Joe’s BitChute videos: https://www.BitChute.com/channel/aErQDXgmf3tO/ **** https://www.voy.com/241653/The Holocaust™ — An Indispensable Ideological Weapon https://justpaste.it/7zupf @anonymous Holocaust links to keep you busy: http://colchestercollection.com??/subjects??/holocaust??.html Holocaust Deprogramming Course: https://ia801707.us.archive.org??/26??/items??/holo??-deprogramming??-course??/Holo??%20Deprogramming??%20Course??%20??.pdf

  • Fakeologist 8:49 am on July 9, 2023 Permalink | Reply  

    #688: Emergency Podcast- The Occult Symbolism Of The OceanGate Submarine Mystery With Juan Ayala 

    #688: Emergency Podcast- The Occult Symbolism Of The OceanGate Submarine Mystery With Juan Ayala 🗓️ 2023-07-07 • 🕑 01:12:05 • 📁 87 MB Podcast: Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/tin-foil-hat-with-sam-tripoli/episode/160382137 Episode: https://pscrb.fm/rss/p/chrt.fm/track/4A19E5/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/aac100de-8200-4e9d-bb84-b6aa90f67242/TFH-Juan_audio.mp3?dest-id=3949218 Thank you so much for tuning in for another Emergency Episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode I welcome back from the Juan On Juan Podcast’s Juan Ayala to the show to discuss his research into the mystery of the OceanGate Submarine tragedy that captured the attention of the Nation! We learn once again that the world is run by Sorcerers and everything is an illusion because where the attention goes the energy flows. This episode was total banger! Thank you for your support. . Do you want to see Sam Tripoli live? Go to SamTripoli.com: July 11th- Comedy Chaos Live At The Comedy Store 8pm: https://www.showclix.com/event/comedy-chaos-july11th 10:30pm: https://www.showclix.com/event/late-comedy-chaos-july11th July 28th: Headlining The Lounge At The End Of The Universe in Boise, Idaho https://www.loungeboise.com/checkout?cartToken=2fMz_b3VuNY8De3nILl_PpHnXlR5yAWf63OHNtUx July29th: Headlining Pizza Cheif In Ventura, Ca https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sam-tripoli-headlines-ventura-ca-on-july-29th-tickets-664932379647 Aug 12th: Tin Foil Hat Comedy And Swarm Tank Live In BroadBrook, Ct https://broadbrookoperahouse.thundertix.com/events/213781 Please check out Juan Ayala’s internet: Linktree: https://linktr.ee/tjojn Website: https://www.tjojp.com/ Podcast: The Juan on Juan podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/juan-on-juan/id1526918925 Please check out SamTripoli.com for all things Sam Tripoli. Please check out Sam Tripoli’s Linktree: https://linktr.ee/samtripoli Please Follow Sam Tripoli’s Comedy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samtripolicomedy/ Please Follow Sam Tripoli’s Podcast Clip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samtripolispodcastclips/ Nuked.Social: Please check out Nuked.Social and join our decentralized social media that allows you to connect with telegram and the discord. Check out all of our premium content on ROKFIN.com. Tin Foil Hat Premium: https://rokfin.com/tinfoilhat Zero: https://rokfin.com/zero Conspiracy Social Club: https://rokfin.com/conspiracysocialclub Broken Simulation: https://rokfin.com/brokensimulation Cash Daddies: Patreon.com/CashDaddiesThank you to our sponsors: Blue Chew: This episode is sponsored by BlueChew. Want to have better sex? Visit https://go.bluechew.com/tinfoil to receive your first month FREE — pay only $5 shipping. FUM: Stopping is something we all put off because it’s hard, but switching to Füm is easy, enjoyable, and even fun. Füm has served over 100,000 customers and has thousands of success stories, and there’s no reason that can’t be you. Join Füm in accelerating humanity’s breakup from destructive habits by picking up the Journey Pack today. Head to TryFum.com and use code TINFOIL to save 10% off when you get the Journey pack today. That’s TRY-F-U-M.com and use code TINFOIL to save an additional 10% off your order today. CopyMyCrypto.com: The ‘Copy my Crypto’ membership site shows you the coins that the youtuber ‘James McMahon’ personally holds – and allows you to copy him. So if you’d like to join the 1300 members who copy James, then stop what you’re doing and head over to: CopyMyCrypto.com/TFH You’ll not only find proof of everything I’ve said – but my listeners get full access for just $1 MOOD: MOOD puts an end to guessing games. 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Skip trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun, AND affordable – that’s why it’s America’s #1 meal kit! Go to HelloFresh dot com slash tinfoil16 and use code tinfoil16 for 16 free meals plus free shipping! DeleteMe: Data brokers are corporations that collect huge amounts of personally identifiable information (PII) and package it all together to create ‘profiles’ or ‘listings’ with your personal information. These profiles include things like Social Security numbers, birthdays, past and recent addresses, and more. DeleteMe experts find and remove your personal information. . So join DeleteMe at joindeleteme.com/TINFOIL and get 20% off for all consumer plans by using the promocode TINFOIL! Black Buffalo: Black Buffalo, the world’s ONLY smokeless tobacco alternative that delivers the same experience as traditional long cut and pouches, just without any tobacco leaf or stem. If you are 21 or over and use products like this, it’s time to join The Black Buffalo Herd. Head to BlackBuffalo.com and use promo code TINFOIL at checkout for 15% off your first order. Use my code, TINFOIL, for 15% off your first order. One last time: That’s promo code TINFOIL for 15% off your order. Black Forest Supplements: Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a derivative of the B-vitamin niacin that dramatically improves health and longevity by serving as a precursor to NAD+, a compound that plays a crucial role in energy production, muscle regeneration, metabolism, and gene expression in the body. Try NMN (Anti-Aging & NAD+ Booster): (Code TFH for 10% OFF) https://blackforestsupplements.com/tfh Factor: Factor, America’s#1 Ready-To-Eat Meal Kit, can help you fuel up fast with ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door. You’ll save time, eat well, and tackle everything on your to-do list. Head to FACTOR MEALS dot com slash tinfoil40 and use code tinfoil40 to get 40% off your first box. That’s code tinfoil40 at FACTOR MEALS dot com slash tinfoil40 to get 40% off your first box. HelixSleep.com: Just go to Helix Sleep dot com slash tinfoil, take their two-minute sleep quiz, and they’ll match you to a customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. Helix is offering up to 200 dollars off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at Helix Sleep dot com slash tinfoil. Miracle Made: Miracle Made offers a whole line of self-cleaning, eco-friendly bedding such as sheets, pillowcases, and comforters that prevent 99% of bacteria and require 3 times less laundry. Go to TryMiracle dot com slash Tinfoil and use the promo code TinFoil to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF. Blue Nile: From pearls to diamonds, earrings to lockets, each Blue Nile piece is made with high-quality craftsmanship for enduring style. Right now, get up to fifty percent off that Mother’s Day gift she will love at BLUE NILE dot com. That’s BLUE NILE dot com. BLUE NILE dot com. ZBiotics: ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic is the world’s first genetically engineered probiotic. Just remember to drink ZBiotics before drinking alcohol, drink responsibly, and get a good night’s sleep to feel your best tomorrow. Give ZBiotics a try for yourself. Go to zbiotics.com/TINFOIL to get 15% off your first order when you use TINFOIL at checkout. ZBiotics is backed with 100% money back guarantee so if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, they’ll refund your money, no questions asked.WiseWolf Gold And Silver: Wise Wolf Gold and Silver Exchange, proudly Veteran owned and operated, they will deliver gold & silver directly to your door, and you will always deal with a live human being. You can even rollover or start a precious metals IRA. Just go to Samtripoli.gold to learn more. Also check out their wolfpack subscription service, starting with as little as $50 per month, you can put your precious metals savings plan on automatic.

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