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  • fakeologist

    Fakeologist 4:54 am on November 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Melania is no female 

    It’s hard not to look. The more you study her, the more it’s clear Melania is not a female. How will she be able to hide it over the next four years of intense scrutiny? Will she be protected from the limelight?



    • questioningourreality

      questioningourreality 11:49 am on November 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Ab, are you of the view that Michelle Obama is transgender? I think Michelle is a man and is now transgender and we’ve (America) had a transgender First Lady for 8 years. If Michelle Obama was able to hide that she isn’t a female, I’m sure Melania Trump will have no problem hiding she isn’t a female. The media of course is complicit in enabling no questions of the gender of the First Lady to be asked or talked about. So the majority of the population won’t know if Michelle Obama or Melania Trump are transgender unless they do research on the internet.

      Who knows, maybe it will be the norm for these presidents and world leaders to have transgender spouses from now on with the duped masses having no idea. Maybe next will be transgender presidents and world leaders for the United States, Canada, Europe and elsewhere.

      • fakeologist

        fakeologist 12:22 pm on November 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Yes Michelle/Michael is highly probable. We aren’t told about the state of the art MTF, instead we get poor smokescreens like a Bruce Gender.
        Do you believe the Donald is FTM?

        • questioningourreality

          questioningourreality 2:18 pm on November 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply

          To me Donald Trump looks male. I don’t think he’s a transgender FTM. Still something is going on with his hair that isn’t natural and his skin tone being an almost orange color is definitely strange.

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 5:54 pm on November 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Ohio State University Crisis Actor Exposed! 


    Text book bad acting here today at OSU. Any info on this clown would be great. Their agenda is speeding up. I prey for all of America.

    Source: Brian Andrew

    • questioningourreality

      Questioning Our Reality 1:09 pm on November 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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      Ohio State University Car Ramming, Knife Attack 

      I can smell the fakery with this latest car ramming, knife attack at Ohio State University. It was originally reported as an active shooter event. How about some masonic numerology? An 18 (multiple of 9) year old Muslim named Abdul Razak Ali Artan decides to attack people with a car and knife. He injures 11 people. Also it just so happens the alleged attacker was featured in the university newspaper months prior in an interview.

      I suspect a drill took place and then went live. A totally staged event where nobody got hurt.

      A Somali-born Ohio State University student plowed his car into a group of pedestrians on campus and then got out and began stabbing people with a butcher knife Monday before he was shot to death by a police officer. Police said they were investigating whether it was a terrorist attack.

      Eleven people were hurt, one critically.

      The attacker was identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan. He was born in Somalia and was a legal permanent U.S. resident, according to a U.S. official who wasn’t authorized to discuss the case and spoke on the condition of anonymity. The FBI joined the investigation.

      The details emerged after a morning of conflicting reports and confusion, created in part by a series of tweets from the university warning there was an “active shooter” on campus and students should “Run Hide Fight.” The warning was prompted by what turned out to be police gunfire.

      Police vehicles and ambulances converged on the 60,000-student campus, and authorities blocked off roads. Students barricaded themselves inside offices and classrooms, piling chairs and desks in front of doors, before getting the all-clear an hour and a half later.

      Ohio State University police Chief Craig Stone said the assailant deliberately drove his small Honda over a curb outside an engineering classroom building and then began knifing people. A campus officer nearby because of a gas leak arrived on the scene and shot the driver in less than a minute, Stone said.

      Source: Suspect used car, butcher knife in attack at Ohio State University; 11 injured | abc7.com

    • fakeologist

      Fakeologist 8:59 pm on November 28, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

      drunk driver – fake news alert? 

      The drunk driver stories are running like the bulls in Canada (Ontario) today. I wonder if ANY of them are real. After all, most Christmas parties start in a couple of weeks – not in November.

      I consider most of these stories noble lies – to simply raise awareness and prevent people from even considering getting behind the wheel drunk.


      Source: drunk driver – Google Search

      • questioningourreality

        Questioning Our Reality 3:21 pm on November 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

        Another Gay Serial Killer PsyOp 

        An alleged serial killer is guilty of 22 (multiple of 11) masonic offenses. A mini-psyop perhaps to promote the serial killer scare meme.  Some of the more famous alleged serial killers tend to be gay for some reason, see Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy. Also note the times in the photo of 21:44:53 and 01:33:31, just a coincidental 44 and 333 or just more masonic double numbers purposely placed in this fake serial killer psyop news story.

        A serial killer described by a detective as one of the most dangerous individuals he had ever met, was jailed for life on Friday for the murder of four gay men he met on dating websites.

        Stephen Port, 41, a chef, was found guilty earlier this week of 22 offenses in Barking, east London, England, involving the lethal drugging of his young victims aged between 21 and 25.

        He was also convicted on four counts of rape and six counts of administering drugs in relation to another seven men. Port was given a whole-life sentence at the Old Bailey, meaning he will never be paroled.

        Souce: Serial Killer Jailed For Murdering 4 Gay Men He Met Online | The Huffington Post

        • xileffilex 7:26 pm on November 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply

          Yup, another obvious one. Another performance under the Serious Crime Big Top.

      • questioningourreality

        Questioning Our Reality 1:59 pm on November 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

        Family of four including newlyweds and their two-month-old baby are found dead in an Alaska hotel room in suspected murder-suicide 

        The dead include not one, but two people aged 22 (multiple of 11) and one person aged 54 (multiple of 9) for the masonic numbers. Free advertising for the Hampton Inn owned by Hilton? This couple really doesn’t look 22 years old to me either and they were married that young already???

        Emily McDonald (pictured) and McKay Hutton were both found dead along with two-month-old Teagan Hutton (pictured) and Linda Hutton, 54

        McKay Hutton (pictured) and Emily McDonald were married just last year. They were both found dead in the hotel room

        Four people, including a two-month-old baby, have been found dead in a hotel room as police investigate what they believe is a murder-suicide.

        Police found the bodies of 54-year-old Linda Hutton, 22-year-old Emily McDonald, 22-year-old McKay Hutton and eight-week-old Teagan Hutton at a Hampton Inn in Fairbanks, Alaska on Friday.

        It remains unclear who the shooter was, but police confirmed they were family, and McKay Hutton and McDonald were married just last year, according to their Facebook profiles.

        Source: Family of four including newlyweds and their two-month-old baby are found dead in an Alaska hotel room in suspected murder-suicide | Daily Mail

        • fakeologist

          Fakeologist 7:43 pm on November 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

          We’re in a fake new sausage factory 


          • questioningourreality

            Questioning Our Reality 11:32 am on November 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

            Fidel’s Fake Death? 

            The occult numerology is heavy in this story about the alleged death of Fidel Castro. Lots of occult nines. Dead at the age of 90? Cuban president and Fidel’s brother Raul Castro declared 9 days of mourning? How about an 11? “Castro antagonized 11 U.S. presidents”.

            Castro allegedly survived 634 assassination attempts including a plot to give him powder to make his beard fall out causing him to lose his popularity. Wow, that’s laughable to me. Beards have influence like that? Also to note is that Fidel Castro has an IMDB page with credited acting roles. I say Fidel Castro faked his death. Another former political actor retired from the world stage.

            Fidel Castro, the cigar-chomping Cuban revolutionary leader and dictator who defied U.S. efforts to topple him for five decades, has died. He was 90.

            President Raul Castro announced his brother’s death on state television Friday night. Cuba declared nine days of national mourning early Saturday. A burial ceremony will be held on Dec. 4.

            The bearded communist took power in a 1959 revolution and ruled Cuba for 49 years with a mix of charisma and iron will, creating a one-party state and becoming a central figure in the Cold War.

            Castro antagonized 11 U.S. presidents and cast a uniquely long shadow over American politics, especially in Florida, where many Cubans refugees who fled the island turned the name “Fidel” into an epithet.

            Castro claimed he survived 634 attempts or plots to assassinate him, mainly masterminded by the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S.-based exile organizations. They may have included poison pills, a toxic cigar, exploding mollusks, and a chemically tainted diving suit. Another alleged plan involved giving him powder that would make his beard fall out and so undermine his popularity.

            Source: Former Cuban Leader Fidel Castro Dead at 90 | NBC News

          • questioningourreality

            Questioning Our Reality 4:44 pm on November 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

            Pennsylvania man leads cops on high-speed chase that ends with crash that kills family of three on way to Thanksgiving dinner 

            Suspicious imagery, masonic numerology and advertising for Popeyes Restaurant. Is a psyop like this part of the war on travel? Do the powers that be use fake car accident psyops to get people off the roads or make people afraid of driving their cars on the roads?

            Driverless cars are here and I’m sure that staging and planting fake car accident stories in the media can sway public opinion toward a solution in the automobile Hegelian Dialectic for driveless cars because “us humans are too incompetent” for driving. Another thing to think about is how cops would love to have people in driverless cars so they could never speed away from traffic stops to begin with. Maybe high speed chases would be a thing of the past in a driverless car society?


            A Pennsylvania man led police on a high-speed chase that ended with a crash that killed three people on their way to Thanksgiving dinner.

            Demetrius Coleman was likely driving more than 100 mph and had a suspended license when the horrific crash took place on a busy highway 10 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

            The 22-year-old Coleman was pulled over by East McKeesport police at approximately 2:30 p.m. on Thursday for making an illegal turn. Authorities say he sped away when officers learned he was wanted for violating his probation for a felony charge of possessing with intent to deliver drugs.

            Source: Pennsylvania man leads cops on high-speed chase that ends with crash that kills family of three on way to Thanksgiving dinner | New York Daily News

            • xileffilex

              xileffilex 6:47 pm on November 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply

              A pretty obvious recycling exercise for a couple with a pre-school child. Easy. Standard wrecked car prop.

          • fakeologist

            Fakeologist 9:04 pm on November 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

            Zack’s fundraising 

            I’m going to shoot Zack a few bucks. I think he’s doing more good than harm, although the torrent of numbers is endless.


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