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  • Fakeologist 8:54 pm on October 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    New black Pope  

    Seems like a nice guy… Is there anything to see here? 

    • Fakeologist 5:26 am on October 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

      Vegan hoax 

      Most likely a fake story – are the vegans making a difference with their squeaky youtube voices?

      If more vegans hit the big time, expect more fake stories discrediting their views. Too much money at stake to let them make a difference.

      A Pennsylvania woman has been charged with endangering her 11-month-old son by restricting him to a vegan diet of fruits and nuts.

      Source: Mom ‘obsessed’ with vegan diet malnourished baby: Cops | World | News | Toronto

      • Fakeologist 8:00 pm on October 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

        Hoax clues – make ’em laugh 

        This crispy car crash sounds hoaxy – all the tell tale tropes are in the description, complete with a gofundme. Isn’t it crass to ask for money for direct compensation from complete strangers so quickly after such a “tragedy”?

        “Brian was a joker,” she said. “He loved to make everyone laugh.”Hillyard, who was among a large group of friends and relatives comforting one another at a nearby coffee shop, said her nephew had dated Lauren for a few years and no doubt they would have wed in the near future.Longtime friend Jonathan Bruneau said Brian and Lauren were “always together.”“They were perfect together,” he said. “It was like a fairytale.”

        Source: Couple, sister among four dead in fiery crash | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto S

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