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  • fakeologist

    Fakeologist 6:04 pm on December 27, 2019 Permalink | Reply  

    Howard Stern will be happy Imus is gone 

    On the air, he was an irascible, confrontational growler who led pranks and parodies that could be tasteless, obscene and sometimes racist, sexist or homophobic.

    Source: Trends | People-Powered News

    • fakeologist

      Fakeologist 1:28 pm on December 19, 2019 Permalink | Reply  

      JLB goes on a date 

      Orphan Red almost sounds normal.


      • fakeologist

        Fakeologist 7:48 pm on December 6, 2019 Permalink | Reply  


        A situation only made stranger by the name – which doesn’t exist on facebook, which itself is odd for a 34 yo woman.

        A woman is dead after being struck by a transport truck on the Queen Elizabeth Way in Oakville, Ontario Provincial Police say. The 34-year-old victim was identified by police as Heather Kakakaway. The collision happened shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday near Dorval Road on the Hamilton-bound lanes of the highway. Kakakaway, a pedestrian, was a passenger in a vehicle, got out of that vehicle and was walking around on the shoulder of the highway and in “live lanes,” according to Sgt. Kerry Schmidt, spo

        Source: Woman, 34, dies after being struck by transport truck on QEW | CBC News

        • fakeologist

          Fakeologist 6:10 pm on December 1, 2019 Permalink | Reply  

          Nuclear fantasy 

          Larry, Curly, and Moe (couldn’t resist) didn’t say one thing (and CBC didn’t link to anything meaningful) that explains this fantasy science and fantasy power source. Harry Potter would make more sense.

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