Sutherland Springs Charges Filed Against Crisis Actors (MIRRORED)
This guy puts his money where his mouth is.
This guy puts his money where his mouth is.
Another day, a other staged rabbit hole. This is a slow, time released staged drama.
How about the whole story of their death is phony? This latest red herring is fictitious and just another one of many rabbit holes to misdirect from the big lie.
Check out @imafakeologist’s Tweet:
The above phoney phake story continues to get coverage in Ing-Land. So too did this phoney Saskatoon “killing” the other day,the Brittney Gargol story. We must be running low on home grown hoaxes to fill the dailies….
Holly Hamilton – HH – from – wait for it – Hamilton! How original, psyop writers! What’s next, Ted Toronto from Toronto?
The hopes of family and friends that Holly Hamilton would be found alive came to a tragic end Wednesday, with the discovery of the 29-year-old woman’s body in her car in an east Hamilton parking garage.
Source: Young mother is Hamilton’s first homicide victim of 2018 |
No shame GoFundMe page to signal this probably fake story.
They have connections in Guyana. A parallel in London was the spike in cycling “fatalities” to usher in road improvements, often involving migrants from China/Eastern Europe or retirees. “Beneficial steering”
Can someone find the public audio of this phony trial? How does one vacate a court date?
Marisa Lazo, who was dramatically rescued from a downtown Toronto crane last year, received an absolute discharge late last month after pleading guilty to two counts of mischief.
While Lazo’s crane climb captured international attention, her guilty plea escaped the media glare after her lawyer vacated a Jan. 10 court date in the Ontario Court of Justice.
Update 1/8: Only past criminals could have done it:
Victims killed in ‘horrific’ Highway 401 crash had run-ins with law – Toronto – CBC News
I know and see bad drivers. Let’s see the traffic camera footage of this car getting into this position. I hope no crane is involved. We have traffic cameras everywhere. Let’s see the video.
Everyone tweet the mto and mediasarge to get the video released.
Check out @OPP_HSD’s Tweet:
Straight from the crusher to hwy 401. I always love the comments, a huge outpouring of sympathy for vicsims and “first responders”. It must look so realistic….
Shades of 9/11…why knock down a possible crime scene? Notice how reporting goes right for the emotion and ignores all the logic.
Dear Listeners,
Chris here.As many listeners of the Hoax Busters Call already know, this host has been diagnosed with “Bi-Polar disorder” which is sometimes associated with behaviors that society as deemed as unsuitable conduct. The past few weeks has been yet
any fakery to see here? was there really fire? every other aspect could be real (components of a drill).
Certainly a hyper-real drill – what’s that burning gloop dripping down in this fuller clip?