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  • Fakeologist 9:36 pm on July 26, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Sergio Marchionne, the CEO who saved Fiat and Chrysler, dies at 66 

    Replaced one day, dead the next. I only care because I just bought a Chrysler and was amused that he condemned the electric vehicle revolution one day and flipped flopped the next. Coincidence? 66 as usual.

    Auto legend Sergio Marchionne, the charismatic executive who turned Fiat and Chrysler around before combining the companies as a profitable business, died Wednesday. He was 66.

    Source: Sergio Marchionne, the CEO who saved Fiat and Chrysler, dies at 66

  • Fakeologist 4:25 am on July 25, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Lies, damn lies, and statistics 

    Aging populations and more immigrant religious families mean less cops are needed. Only hoaxed crime can reverse the trend.

    After the gunfire come the calls for more policing. As the community surrounding Danforth Ave. slowly returns to its lively character after the deadly shooting Sunday night, albeit with added signs of solemnity, policy-makers are debating whether police need more resources to protect the city.

    Source: Amid calls for more officers, data shows only a tenuous link with crime reduction | The Star

  • Fakeologist 11:30 am on July 24, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Police release sketch of suspect in fatal shooting of George H.W. Bush’s cardiologist | The Star 

    They didn’t even take him to his own hospital? Hoaxy story.

    It was already nearly 90 degrees the morning of July 20 as Mark Hausknecht, dressed in blue scrubs, pedalled his bright yellow bike down Main Street toward work at Houston Methodist Hospital, as he did every day. The renowned cardiologist, who previously treated U.S. President George H.W. Bush, crossed a busy intersection just blocks from the heart of the Texas Medical Center, one of the largest medical complexes in the world.


  • Fakeologist 7:51 pm on July 23, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Miami Beach Building Collapse 119 Days Before 911 


  • Fakeologist 4:28 am on July 21, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Magick crime budget numbers 

    Even on a local city (big city) level we see the occult numbers in the budget. 44/33/22 (11x).

    There’s even money for a technology that “counts” gunshots.

    If crime is really declining, and the crimes are actually hoaxes, then the police budget should also reduce. The hoaxes are really for the budget makers on council, moreso than the population that doesn’t even pay attention.

    City staff have put forward a $44-million, five-year plan to reduce gun violence that would be funded entirely by the federal and provincial governments. The funds for the new plan have not yet been secured. Council will be asked at a meeting that begins next week to authorize staff to apply for the money from higher-order governments to support both community and city-run programs serving at-risk youth, as well as for the redeployment of officers and new technology.

    Source: City council asked to approve $44-million plan to reduce gun violence | The Star

  • Fakeologist 9:53 pm on July 16, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Dragging around wrecks 

    These cars looks like they were dragged their from a wrecker’s yard. There’s little or no debris, fluids, absorb-all to indicate a just-happened crash. Drill time at night.

    A toddler remains in critical condition following a crash on Highway 401 in North York early this morning. The three-vehicle crash occurred in the eastbound collector lanes near Leslie Street shortly before 1 a.m. OPP Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said when crews arrived on scene, one person was located inside an SUV and three people were inside another vehicle.

    Source: Toddler critically hurt in crash that injured 5 on Hwy. 401 in North York | CTV Toronto News

  • misom 4:52 am on July 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: children slavery, sex industry   

    This latest psyop in Thailand reads for me as a pervert inverted advertisment.

    “Hello world, Thailand has young boys waiting for you”


    • Fakeologist 7:00 am on July 8, 2018 Permalink | Reply

    • xileffilex 9:11 am on July 9, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      This media hoax has allowed the reheating of a previous “cave death drama” in Thailand from 2007 . The surviving girlfriend ” has never wanted to talk publicly about her ordeal, but……” it’s always time for one staged event to back up another.
      image from 2007


      John Nicholas Cullen 1983-2007

      a Swiss couple and their two teenage daughters, a 10-year-old German boy and two Thai guides.

      locals and other tourists warned the group not to enter the cave after several hours of monsoon rain had made it unsafe.

      Last night Miss Carroll [now Helena Overton] described how her boyfriend saved her life before slipping into the torrent and disappearing.

      ….they took me to a place which was being used in a mortuary.

      “I saw John’s body in a box next to one of the beautiful little Swiss girls. It was awful. I can’t believe I am the only survivor.”
      According to he local police chief, Phijarn Galayaseri, the mother of the German boy, Eddie Gaempe, had stayed behind because she was feeling unwell. “[She] did not think it was dangerous because there were many adults,” he said.

      “It was so sad,” said Miss Carroll. “I saw the mother take her son wrapped in a plastic bag in a car to Phuket.”

      Miss Carroll’s parents paid tribute to Mr Cullen, who was also the best friend of their son. Helena’s mother Carol Caroll, 54, described Mr Cullen as “the loveliest guy you could ever meet”.

      sounds very very hoaxy.

      And here’s the funeral report, complete with potato lens photo and news that John was buried in his football team’s shirt, Aston Villa. Perfect.

      John’s mother


      , his older sisters Jackie and Jenny, brother Stephen, girlfriend Helena and her father, John Caroll, joined hundreds of mourners at the service


      John was a recent director of his recently deceased father’s and his mother’s company
      Probate August 18 2008

      Mrs Cullen was in the middle of a cruise of the Mediterranean when her daughter Jackie, 40, called her with the news that her 24-year-old company director son had died in a flash flood following heavy rains.
      Mr Cullen’s fiancee Helena said the trip, which had been due to last for 12 months and would have taken in Japan and Australia, was a life-long dream of the couple as John had taken over his father’s asbestos removal business at a young age and still wanted to see the world.

      “It was either buy a house or see the world,” she said



    • misom 2:27 am on July 10, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for the input Ab and Xile. I listed the event also in the fakeopedia and continue following it. Talking with a neighbour and friend of mine whose wife is from that region and who has visited the place himself many times and lived there for long periods here my notes:
      -the cave does exist
      -the visit of a team of young athletes there is implausible, they would need a special license from authorites to even enter there
      -monsoon does not come abruptly and stays only for a day, the story is not believable
      -after the death of the decades long king of thailand the following time has been in a vaccum of power more so because the consecutive king is a trump type ridiculous character
      -empowerment of authority is much needed in the country and such an event with cooperation of internanational military troops (navy) and media and local troops seems to fit the agenda

    • Willard 12:07 pm on July 10, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      I am especially curious to see fakeologist analysis of the story. When i first learned that divers discovered the 13 boys after 9 days I was alerted to a possible psyop because of the numerology indicators 9 and 13. When it was told that the boy’s return out of the cave would take 11 hrs, I thought the probaility extremely high as 11 is another indicator. I just now read these comments. Ab’s remark about the involvement of Elon Musk is an excellent as it is uncanny how PSYOP perps are woven into these stories.

      Another suspicious item is how quickly the boys were retrieved after we were regaled with various dangerous and arduous rescue scenarios. Like a well written drama, these scenarious introduce plot complications and raise emotional tension.

      Suspicious numerology:

      11 on the first ambulance to go to the hospital.
      18 days from discovery to retrival.
      13 team members
      9 days missing
      11 hour route out

      To me the tell will be in the follow up stories. They must examined to see if they have the characteristics of hoax management.

  • Fakeologist 9:45 am on July 5, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Tweeting fake stories? 

    • No name
    • 19/181 hoax numerology
    • Are dope dealers with millions of dollars in drugs this careless? Seems unlikely
    • No names

    #OPP HSD officers stopped a vehicle for Stunt Driving 181 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone on #Hwy410 #Brampton early this morning. Resulted in a 19 year old male from Brampton charged with Stunt Driving, multiple criminal and drug charges, and seizure of illicit drugs ^lb https://t.co/gK5gueU4mZ

    Check out @OPP_HSD’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/OPP_HSD/status/1014512787006029824?s=09

  • Fakeologist 9:48 pm on July 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    Lazy shooting hoax stories 

    “a man”

    “police say”

    Hoax writers don’t even bother with names anymore. Who believes this fake reporting?

    I suppose if no-one is paying attention, who cares. Appears the mayor will get his extra 200 officers, despite real crime falling.

    A man injured in a shooting at Kensington Market on the weekend has died in hospital, police said Wednesday. Around 10:30 p.m. Sunday, Toronto police were called to the area of Augusta Ave. and College St., just west of Spadina Ave.

    Source: Kensington Market shooting victim has died, police say | The Star

  • Fakeologist 7:02 am on July 4, 2018 Permalink | Reply  

    3:30 – perfect witching hour 

    No matter what event you fake, the best time is 3:30am.

    • includes 33 in it
    • no-one at all on the roads
    • no witnesses
    • dark out, so if someone was out, they would see nothing

    A male cyclist is in life-threatening condition after he was struck by a tractor-trailer in Mississauga Wednesday morning. The accident occurred on Dixie Rd. at Mid-Way Blvd., just south of Derry Rd., around 3:30 a.m., Peel paramedics said.

    Source: Cyclist in life-threatening condition after being struck by tractor-trailer in Mississauga | The Star

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