Freddie Fil lala landÂ
I think POM has taken a turn into Dallas Goldbug land.
The only thing these two have in common is a moustache.
I think POM has taken a turn into Dallas Goldbug land.
The only thing these two have in common is a moustache.
Our loveable Fox is son of a military man.
Makes sense he’s a leading psyop culture creator.
I wonder if they changed his last name.
Fox was born on June 9, 1961, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to Phyllis (née Piper), an actress/payroll clerk, and William Fox, a police officer and Canadian Forces member.
Why did they choose Barack for the actor in chief’s name? Why did they choose it for Ehud Barack of Israel?
“Lightning fall from heaven” ie. Satan.
A few videos on 9/11 which don’t fit into any existing thread, but which are interesting. Dutch citizen Max Westerman, now in Brazil was a key perp on 9/11. Additionally he interviewed the parents of Lariby in 2006. Claude and Bettina Lariby can “not emotionally to share their story again with the press,” according to Westerman. They therefore ask media emphatically to leave them alone. Max has uploaded some of his 9/11 footage plus the above ground zero 2002 interview with retired firefighter Lee Ielpi whose son Jonathan, also a firefighter allegedly died on 9/11 “I would say there was 60, 70 feet of rubble on top of them …my son was whole, which was good” In another video, Ielpi senior comes up with a good line “the fire departemetn is a brotherhood, it is a brotherhood….” in addition to a repeat of his statement to Westerman…. “jonathan was found as a whole body, what they considered a whole body” Max reporting on 9/11 2001: Finally a more obscure video showing how Christmas came twice for the construction industry with the demolition of the old WTC and the building of the new WTC Operating Engineers respond to World Trade Center attacks on 9-11-1-01 Edward McCabe of Local 94 was in sub-basement 5 of WTC1 on 9/11 “the [elevator[ door blew off the hinges” if you please! And now he’s still there looking after the new WTC @5,49 Eddie Christian business manager, local 14 “there will never be a project like this again if ithe truth be told it’s the best job we’ve ever had that we all wish we never had” SCott Zelenak chief of Surveyors Local 94 “I have three thousand bosses I have to answer to”
Ridiculous if this wasn’t staged – is the University private property?
This (s)election movie is starting to twist and turn.
Hillary Clinton Fabricated Health Issues And Her Body Double Debacle
A bad selfie maybe, but a professional photo that looks this bad? The left and rightmost arms look way out of proportion. There’s no Autumn Bride photography in Toronto.
Overall, a pathetic crime hoax story. Shame.
The family of Kiesingar Gunn, the 26-year-old man gunned down outside a Liberty Village nightclub on Saturday, are mourning the loss of a man they remember as a “great father.”
Source: Man killed in Liberty Village shooting identified as Kiesingar Gunn | Toronto Star
I love a good conspiracy.
I’m smelling a hoaxy rat.
Zach agrees
Staged event and here’s the invited participant
From another angle [video] – another invitee
Vespadouglas 6:47 pm on September 30, 2016 Permalink |
Pissy Mind Fools
Mark Tokarski 8:33 pm on October 18, 2016 Permalink |
We deal with the instant expert wave-of-the-hand dismissal from the balcony seat experts quite often … belief trumps evidence?
The DGB comment is a low shot, of course, but that is the whole purpose of DGB, to blackwash honest work. Our Dr. Phil work has been around for weeks. We are curious too. It means something. We are not sure what. Glad you stumbled by. Next time, spend more than a minute.
fakeologist 8:54 pm on October 18, 2016 Permalink |
Sorry Mark, I like some of your work, but this one seems prima facie false. It strikes me as absurd and as unnecessary to be true as Jimmy Carter being an old JFK. I enjoy Blue Moon’s judgement – perhaps he will chime in and help me see what you’re talking about on this one.
Mark Tokarski 10:52 pm on October 18, 2016 Permalink |
We don’t force results. We got precise alignment between Mercury and Phil, and no timing difficulties. Beyond that, and this has me perplexed, we got signs of Mercury being a twin, while Phil not, and yet a Phil doppelgänger among the photos. I was not willing to go with Mercury as twins as the only indicator was ears, but it kept popping up. I am going to revisit that matter, but not to back away from anything. I am going to push further as we have not yet uncovered everything there. And I do know know what is not known.
Our work in facial alignment places likelihood of such a match at around one in twelve million, but we are also find that among celebrities there is far more likelihood of such alignments. This is at this time a fact-finding mission, and we are trying to understand our discoveries. We do not appreciate being lumped in with a known fraud. It is too easy, lazy, and a tool of spooks.
VonCrowne 11:53 pm on October 18, 2016 Permalink |
“It means something.” It means you are an Idiot. Ya, that’s a personal attack; same as you did to me for questioning the height different. Now, if I am to be objective about it: You are either an idiot or a liar.
Mark T 7:35 am on October 19, 2016 Permalink |
You have appeared under different names, VonCrowne/Hamilton, and brought only specious evidence which you assert with certainty but do not take time to develop properly. Your height discrepancies, which you also cited regarding Bill O’Reilly/Bobby Fuller, are nothing more than wild ass guesses from a website that does nothing more than wild-ass guess at celebrity heights. We did not attack you personally, but only tried to assess your motives, given your lack of rigor, and deduced that you, like others who appear (and like Dallas Goldbug himself), are only trying to cast doubt, to muddy the waters rather than clarify. This is the behavior of a spook, not a curious individual. The purpose of such behavior is to reassure anyone who might have entertained doubts about official truth that official truth is still true. For that reason, we asked you to vamoose.