Exploding housesThe house explosion in Oxford brought to our attention by Psyopticon is more interesting than I first thought – controlled demolition of a three storey building leaving little rubble, no walls standing. A psy-op of the highest quality, resulting only in the hide and seek death of one person well known to the courts and foro whom participation in this psy-op and relocation is part of his parole procedure.Houses built early 1980s on the site of an old riverside coal yard, now a prime riverside location. http://public.oxford.gov.uk/online-applications/files/EF9C053E23B49092561129A14BB61999/pdf/81_00239_NFH–8120.pdf A plaque embedded in the demolished building states it was opened in May 1985 by a local digniitary https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.748695,-1.2699072,3a,15y,351.4h,81.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skGEBUysrR7M6DTYOCLRwOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1From this https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.748695,-1.2699072,3a,90y,345.03h,94.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skGEBUysrR7M6DTYOCLRwOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.7488128,-1.2702298,3a,75y,81.55h,89.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siqHIBEnQmTTTw8Yla3oIMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656to this… [lots more exciting firefighting photos on the page [118] including some familiar themes… http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/15091709.Human_remains_found_at_Valentine_s_Day_blast_site_in_Gibbs_Crescent__West_Oxford__amid_search_for_Guido_Schuette/#gallery68http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6002669/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6004364/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/resources/images/6004374/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreenThere are six flats contained in the vanished block. No other serious injuries or deaths reported. Suspicious.http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/15091709.PICTURES___VIDEO__Neighbours__fear_the_worst__for_missing_residents_after_explosion/?ref=rss “A pregnant woman was taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford with minor injuries, while a man was treated at the scene, also for minor injuries. Alexander Hammond, who was nearby at the time, took dramatic pictures of the aftermath. He said: “I live over the railway bridge and was just talking to a friend when we heard this massive loud bang. “I really thought a bomb had gone off. “We rushed over and you could see the flames over the trees from the footbridge, there were no emergency services when we got there. You could just see rubble and the skeleton of the roof, people were stood about watching what was going on – I didn’t see any people injured.”Who lives next door at #2? http://www.mouseprice.com/house-prices/gibbs+crescent+oxford Another courtroom favorite Habiba Gudal, convicted of drink driving http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/10829185.Scales_of_Justice/http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XSZO8nZ3UMwJ:www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/15107508.Gibbs_Crescent_residents__left_in_limbo__one_week_after_explosion/same address as Stephen J Brown https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Mnuhdn-eaJcJ:https://www.searchelectoralroll.co.uk/Search_Results_History.asp%3Fc%3D2444771%26firstname%3DSTEPHEN%26middleinitial%3DJ%26lastname%3DBROWN+http://www.192.com/atoz/people/gudal/habiba/ox2/1615799664/I wonder where Annie May, whom the alleged dead resident, Guido Schuette, was found guilty in the courts of harrassing, was at the time? She lived at number 7.The following article has been deleted, unarchived, so I’ll copy some germane parts in the current google cache – http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/15107508.Gibbs_Crescent_residents__left_in_limbo__one_week_after_explosion/“Flats 3 to 9 were destroyed……Flats three to nine were destroyed in West Oxford on Valentine’s Day, with many surrounding properties seriously damaged. Ian Francis, who lives at No.10, has been put up by the landlord, A2Dominion, in sheltered accommodation in George Moore Close in Donnington with his partner Sammy Clark. But Mr Francis, who is partially sighted, has had to leave assistance dog Toffee with friends as the flat is too small for him. The 48-year-old said: “We have just been left in limbo right now, it is like we are walking around in a dream. “I cannot bring Toffee home. You bond with these dogs so closely and he is missing us. “You do not realise how important an assistance dog is day to day, it is hard for me to walk about and do stuff without him. “If it will take weeks and weeks to get back into Gibbs Crescent we just want to let somebody else have our flat.” Mr Francis said he and Ms Clark were struggling living in an area they were not familiar with, and wanted more clarity from A2Dominion on what the future had in store. He said: “Because we are blind even if we do go back we will not be able to use the access gates. “A2Dominion has given us £15 a day and that is meant to cover everything. “It feels like they have given us a couple of quid to shut us up.”Mother-of-two Habiba Gudal, who lives in flat two, has been put up by the housing association in the Premier Inn in Oxford Business Park. She said: “I am being told today about temporary accommodation but I do not know what will happen after that. “I have not been able to get any of my stuff from the flat. “It is really frustrating, I am very angry as well. “The explosion makes me really anxious because I cannot close my eyes. “Every time I do I hear that sound. “It makes me anxious that we have not been told how it happened –if somebody did it why did they do it? “I would like to see everything made clearer.” Human remains were found under the rubble on Saturday but on Monday police said a post-mortem examination of the human remains proved inconclusive. As a result Guido Schuette, who is believed to have been killed in the explosion, officially remains missing”At the end of last week it emerged that police had spent a ‘significant period of time’ at Gibbs Crescent four days before the blast after a man, believed to be Mr Schuette, allegedly made threats.Flat 13 resident Peter Wilder is living in temporary accommodation in Headington. He said: “I have no idea what is going on. “I have got some of my stuff back from the flat. When I went back it did not look like there was anything wrong by they are still assessing it for damage.”……………………………………Did the police now spend a significant amount of time at the property shortly before the demolition? All very interesting.
Updates from February, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
11 geologists find ‘Zealandia’ – a brand new continent.
Once part of the long lost ancient supercontinent called Gondwana, ‘Zealandia’ is a 4.9 million square kilometre slab of continental crust situated Southwest of the Pacific Ocean. The study from the 11 researchers is use data and findings from satellite-based elevations and gravity maps..
• http://www.techtimes.com/articles/197778/20170216/earths-hidden-continent-zealandia-discovered-reveal-scientists.htm
• http://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/27/3/article/GSATG321A.1.htm
Super fat or super fake?
Do the numbers betray the story?
The head of the Egyptian national airline, EgyptAir, says the company has transported a 500-kilogram (1,100-pound) woman in a cargo plane to India for a series of surgeries.
Egyptian media describe 36-year-old Iman Abdel-Atti as the world’s heaviest woman and say she hasn’t left her house in 25 years.
Source: 500 kg woman, lifted by cranes into plane, flies from Egypt to India for surgeries
66 yo GoFundMe sad story
Another old person being ripped off story. Is this the flavor of the month? My guess is most old people are ripped off by their own spawn.
Frolicking actors
Yes, there is an island that they hang out on.
Former US President making the most of his newfound free time on their holiday together.
Source: Obama kitesurfs with Richard Branson as row over travel ban heats up | World | News | Express.co.uk
Peekay Truth’s Intervention Order Investigation
Can someone help find PK’s court record?
I can’t find it here:
I’ve tried plugging some of the info from the video but no luck.
Here’s the doc
Jungle doesn’t buy PK.
Lift the Veil weighs in, from about 25:00 here –
Another layer? LTV isn’t convinced by Peekay/HISTW – but LTV himself won’t call Melbourne a staged event. [looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck but can’t be sure it’s a duck]
Strange business, Ab, also strange why Anaconda took down his Melbourne videos for no reason.
There’s a similar case number tomorrow
H103080-45 Woolworths v Bibby but even if you search for that as above,nothing comes up
https://dailylists.magistratesvic.com.au/EFAS/CaseBrowse_Cases?CaseType=CIV&CourtID=3&HearingDate=08%20Feb%202017Naturally everything before today is wiped on the Civil list in Melbourne. Yet we can still see cases from Monday Feb 6 at Dandedong and Ringwood courts..I don’t know what determines the prefix letters H, G, F etc. One red flag – no videos from outside the court on Feb 6.
I really don’t know what to think – if it’s a rabbit hole, it’s a very long and deep one, which has woken up a lot of people to media fakery. The Melbourne donut was a slam dunk staged event – and in these one-take events, like Boston, carried out in full view, it will never go perfectly, despite the co-operation of police, EMTs crisis actors and the multiplicity of invited cameraholders.
It’s worth listening to Kim Hoaxashian on the Peekay business. I tend to agree with everything he says, he’s got his head screwed on and is the least likely person to be controlled thatI’ve encountered
Kim’s video [which is what I go along with]
Chow Yung Fat
yup same here. https://imgur.com/gallery/Lg678
am I a troll or shill now? or an I just skeptical of yet another anomy in this world?
Casey Anthony spotted amid Trump protests
An actor protesting another actor.
Casey Anthony was a made for tv psyop fake crime drama, just like the OJ case.
Lesta Nediam4 hours ago
+John le Bon __ Good video JLB – nicely done contrasting the hypocrisy of what is said today with the now acknowledged deceits of the past. With regard to the “Peekay” truther drama.[b] If “Peekay” is a genuine person[/b] – and it’s always possible he is – then he has been played like a fiddle by more organised and intelligent people. My only surprise is that this hadn’t happened sooner.The quotes from the “news” article are accurate – there was no need to manipulate anything he said because “Peekay” really is his own worst enemy (followed closely by his wretchedly low IQ audience).
Great video, John. Thanks John.Is Peekay a genuine person? I don’t know, he might be, he might not. I don’t care, i’ve got bigger fish to fry.