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  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 2:42 pm on December 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Transgender Victims Of Oakland Warehouse Fire Misidentified 

    Two alleged victims in the Oakland Warehouse Fire aged 29 (sums to 11) and 33 were misidentified as being men when they were actually MTF transgender. Seriously? This is part of the script of this staged/fake/hoax PsyOp. The message the writers are communicating is be sensitive to transgender identification. You can search the news for similar stories where transgender people are being called he or she “inappropriately”. The media is trying to make people sensitive to identifying transgender people by what their new gender is even if it doesn’t look convincing to you or me.

    Activists and friends are working to ensure that transgender victims in the Oakland “Ghost Ship” warehouse fire are being remembered by their correct gender identities and names.

    Two of the victims, Feral Pines, 29, and Em B, 33, were transgender artists who relocated to the Bay Area in part because of its thriving LGBTQ community.

    Scout Wolfcave, 34, a friend of Pines, has been calling news outlets following the deadly fire asking them to change their usage of “he” to “she” in news coverage surrounding Pines’ death.

    Source: Transgender victims of Oakland fire misidentified by incorrect names, gender identities | New York Daily News

  • fakeologist

    Fakeologist 10:17 am on December 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Adam goes on Alex  

    Adam inspired me to give Alex a listen, since he appeared in the show with recently outed Max Kaiser. 

    : http://mp3s.nashownotes.com/NA-885-2016-12-11-Final.mp3

    Alex Jones Show 

    Starts here and continues next link 

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 10:07 pm on December 10, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Twin Blasts 

    Masonic numerology is front and center in this latest alleged Istanbul twin blasts news media story. 29 dead and 166 injured. One blast occurred at 11 p.m. Also there was the June attack at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport that left coincidentally 44 people dead or how about the September car bombing in southeast Turkey that killed 18 people. So what we see with the masonic numerology in these fake news stories is that it’s not going to be 9 and 11 everytime because that would be too obvious. Instead it’s numbers that are multiples of 9 or 11 and numbers that sum to 9 or 11.

    Twenty-nine people, mostly police officers, were killed and 166 injured in Saturday’s twin bombings in Istanbul, Turkish Interior Minister SĂĽleyman Soylu said in a press conference Sunday.

    The explosions, one large blast followed by a smaller one, occurred about 11 p.m. local time (3 p.m. ET) after a heavily attended football game at Besiktas Vodafone Arena.

    Source: Istanbul explosions: 29 killed, 166 wounded in twin blasts | CNN

  • fakeologist

    Fakeologist 8:37 pm on December 6, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Mocking Carver 

    There haven’t been many like Dr. Carver-them-up.

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 3:59 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    $22.2 Billion Needed? 

    This story about the UN Humanitarian Aid Agency requesting $22.2 billion to help people hit by conflict and disasters is loaded with occult numerology.


    The U.N.’s humanitarian aid coordination agency says it and partners require a record $22.2 billion next year to help people hit by conflict and disasters around the world, a 10 percent increase from this year.

    The appeal announced Monday from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs seeks to help nearly 93 million people in 33 countries — nearly two-thirds of them in Africa. More than one-third of the total appeal — $8.1 billion — aims to help people in Syria and refugees from it, and another $4.4 billion would support people inside or fleeing war-torn Yemen and South Sudan.

    It is the highest amount the agency has ever requested, said OCHA chief Stephen O’Brien.

    Source: UN Humanitarian Aid Agency: Record $22.2B Needed in 2017 | ABC News

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 2:58 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Oakland Warehouse Fire Hoax 

    Source: Russianvids

    • Uninstall Media 3:28 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Now it’s up to 36. Get a f*¿¡÷%ÎĽÂĄ grip. Not everything is a hoax. Funny how none of these speculators actually put boots on the ground and gather first hand information from these events. Instead they are content to be keyboard warriors and YouTube stars. Good enough for DuhMasses I guess.

      • questioningourreality

        questioningourreality 9:09 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        I can’t believe I have to explain this to you Uninstall Media whose been a member on Fakeologist.com for a while now. The death toll going from masonic number 33 to 36 is just another masonic coded number. 36 is a multiple of 9. 33 was a multiple of 11. Have you heard about the occult significance of 9 and 11 after being on Fakeologist all this time.

        This is unbelievable coming from you. Unless someone hacked your account to type this response that you just did to my post, how in the hell did you suddenly trust the media reporting an event as real? Seriously? It’s up to the media to prove these events are real at this point after all the lying they’ve done. Also your name is Uninstall Media, but it looks like you are reinstalling media and starting to fall for fake/staged/hoax PsyOps stunningly enough after being a member on Fakeologist for as long as you have.

        • uninstall_media

          uninstall_media 10:56 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

          “I can’t believe I have to explain this to you Uninstall Media..”

          Reality’s a bitch isn’t it?

          “Have you heard about the occult significance of 9 and 11 after being on Fakeologist all this

          Yes, I have. WAY before I found this site. Can you believe that? Sounds like you have well developed knowledge about the numbers 3, 6, and 9 and their occult significance. Can you tell us about that?

          “Unless someone hacked your account to type this response that you just did to my post…”

          It’s true, I posted initially without logging in, so I guess I was being a sock puppet troll of my own username.

          “How in the hell did you suddenly trust the media reporting an event as real?”

          They have a job which requires them to report real events as well as hoaxes. If they reported only hoaxes the game would be over.
          What if my house burned down and I lost 33 or even 36 one-hundred dollar bills in the blaze, and I shared the story with you, would you believe me?

          “..it looks like you are reinstalling media and starting to fall for fake/staged/hoax PsyOps..”

          Thanks for paying such close attention, but your assumptions about my mental state are way off base. The point stands. Go see for yourself.
          Do you know anyone in Oakland? Do you know anyone in the artist community of Oakland? More importantly, does Russianvids? If you did know such persons, would you think they were all lying or brainwashed by the media if they told you the fire actually happened?

          I agree. So where are the YouTubers and Fakeologists doing this? There aren’t any.

          I understand that the point of this site is to speculate, as Ab has said many times. To what end
          is all this speculation advancing? Wasn’t it enough to realize that 9/11 and every war has been
          stage managed for propaganda purposes? Now every plane crash, bus rollover and fire has to be a hoax just because the media reports it?

    • xileffilex 5:33 pm on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      The only place boots on the ground would have any useful first hand information that this was a real event would be to see the open casket and watch it buried or pass into the furnace.

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 4:25 pm on December 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Cop-killer used kids as shields in 11-hour police standoff 

    How believable is this one? An 11 hour standoff with cops that ends at by coincidence 3:30 a.m., using kids as human shields to top it off.


    The suspect in the fatal shooting of a Tacoma officer was shot and killed by police after a lengthy barricade situation, authorities said early Thursday.

    Pierce County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Ed Troyer said the suspect was shot at approximately 3:30 a.m. Thursday, ending an 11-hour standoff. The suspect was not identified.

    Troyer said the suspect refused to surrender during negotiations with officials, and that the man was using two children as human shields.

    Troyer said a girl and a boy, found unharmed, were taken from the house. He said multiple weapons were found in the house.

    Source: Accused cop-killer used kids as shields in 11-hour police standoff | New York Post

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 3:42 pm on December 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply

    Texas high school student commits suicide after years of cyberbullying 

    The anti-bullying agenda continues with another fake news story about a suicide from bullying. These news stories are heavily promoted in the news, recently this one happened which looks fake judging by the occult numerology: 11-year-old Ohio girl who survived brain cancer kills herself over relentless bullying. Also fake gay bullying suicides are promoted in the news, this was one of the bigger ones, which started a big campaign by celebrities to bring awareness to gay bullying: Suicide of Tyler Clementi.

    This Texas high school student Brandy Vela who committed suicide because of cyberbullying according to this news story was 18 (multiple of 9). She was found with a gun getting ready to kill herself by her 22 year old sister. The multiples of nines and elevens never end in these masonic coded fake news stories. Also the school where this girl went will be releasing blue ballons to remember her because “Brandy had beautiful blue eyes”.

    Brandy Vela, 18, killed herself Tuesday, and family members say she was a cyberbullying victim.

    A high school senior in Texas committed suicide on Tuesday in front of her relatives, and the family claims that she was a cyberbullying victim.

    Brandy Vela, 18, was a senior at Texas City High School in Houston.

    Brandy’s sister, Jacqueline Vela, 22, says she ran upstairs to find her sister in tears, with her back to the wall and a gun pointed at her chest.

    “And I’m like ‘Brandy please don’t, Brandy no,'” Jacqueline Vela told NBC affiliate KPRC-TV.

    Vela’s family, including her parents and grandparents, were present when she pulled the trigger.

    The relatives believe her death was the result of years of bullying.

    Prior to her death, Vela had spoken out about her torment from being cyberbullied, said Melissa Tortorici, Texas City High School’s director of communication.

    Source: Texas high school student commits suicide after years of cyberbullying, family says | New York Daily News

  • questioningourreality

    Questioning Our Reality 2:11 pm on December 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    SWAT Team Rescues Hostages, Ends Bank Standoff 

    This news story about a Jacksonville, Florida bank robbery standoff is screaming with masonic numerology, the script writers didn’t hold back. Here it is:

    • 11 Hostages total were taken by the alleged bank robber
    • The “dramatic rescue” of these 11 hostages occurred at 11 a.m.
    • The bank robbery started at 9:03 am
    • Latasha Shuman said her 18 (multiple of 9) year-old son was working in the bank, and just after 9 a.m., she began receiving calls from friends and relatives about someone being held hostage in the bank. Just before 11 a.m., she said her son texted her to say “Mama, I’m safe.”

    This story then goes on to cite bank robbery statistics from last year. Any masonic numerology? Yes and it makes me wonder how many bank robberies actually occur. I like this one line about the bank robbery stats from last year since it’s loaded with masonic numerology: “Last year 1,042 robberies occurred between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 933 robberies occurred between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.”

    Also check out the comments section of this story. People already are on top of how fake and staged this looks. Crisis Cast put an ad on Craigslist for this event possibly: Actors Needed – Crisis Role Play (Jacksonville)


    A bank robbery suspect who took hostages Thursday morning inside a Community First Credit Union on Edgewood Avenue West is in custody and the 11 hostages were freed safely, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

    Sheriff Mike Williams described the dramatic rescue of the hostages by SWAT team members just before 11 a.m.

    He said that when two people hiding inside the bank, unknown to the hostage taker, tried to run from bank, it distracted the hostage taker, giving the SWAT team the opportunity it had been looking for to storm the bank.

    “(They) placed themselves between the hostage taker and the hostages, in essence rescuing those hostages.” Williams said. “We were able to take him into custody without incident and save the lives of those hostages.”

    Williams said the man, whose name has not yet been released, surrendered as soon as he saw the SWAT team members. News4Jax crews at the scene watched as the 11 hostages were escorted out safely by SWAT officers about 11 a.m. Thursday.

    Source: SWAT team rescues hostages, ends bank standoff | News4Jax.com

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